They spent the night in a Holiday Inn Express, but were up at dawn so Eric could get home in time to take his crew to the day’s jobs.
* * * *
The swimming pool and its enclosure were ready to be tested, and they were planning to use it for the first time that weekend. Rusty and his new fuck buddy Harry had been invited to join them. The four men were standing at the entrance to the pool house, waiting for Carlton to unlock the door.
He did so and motioned the rest of the group inside. “Follow me,” he said, and he led them to the changing area. “Use whichever lockers you like, and you’ll find a supply of towels adjacent to the showers.”
The four men wasted no time shedding their clothes. Both Eric and Carlton had come prepared with goggles, so they could swim some serious laps. Rusty was staring at his best friend.
“I see you’ve joined the club,” he said, looking pointedly at Eric’s smooth body.