“It’s about an hour’s drive, two-thirds of it on the interstate, and the rest of the trip is on secondary roads.”
“Should we stop somewhere for dinner?” his mother said.
“No, ma’am,” he said. “Eric will have dinner waiting for us.”
“I’m looking forward to meeting your new little friend.”
Carlton burst out laughing at that, and she said, “What?”
“At six-feet four, my friend is two inches taller than I am, and he’s hardly little,” he said.
“I was speaking metaphorically.”
“Yeah, I know.”
Later, when they were off of the interstate and driving across country, his father said, “I like the look of this area.”
“So do I, Dad. It’s near enough to be convenient to Savannah, but not so close that we’re overrun with commuters. At least not yet.”
“Is that the Savannah River over there to our right?” his mother said.
“Yes, ma’am. My property butts up against the river.”