Chapter 27

The rest of the evening went very well, and they called it a night when their guests began to yawn. Eric and Carlton conducted a brief post-mortem of the evening before they went to sleep and decided that it had been a success.

“I think my mother likes you,” Carlton said.

“That’s okay, I like her. At least, so far.”

“But you can’t help waiting for the other shoe to drop, correct?”


“She started out being her usual catty self,” Carlton said, “but I cut her off at the pass.”

“What are you talking about?”

Carlton told him about her reaction to his truck.

“She’s a city girl, through and through, right?” Eric said.

“Yeah. I guess that explains her attitude about trucks, all right.”

“Wait until we show them around the grounds tomorrow. They’ll be bowled over by what we’ve done here.”

“By what you and Rusty have done, you mean. I didn’t do anything for the grounds except write a few checks.”

“What do you think I should make for breakfast?” Eric said.