Chapter 29

“Look at the map, and I’ll show you.”

Eric turned toward the map and watched as Carlton pointed out some of the images on it.

“Here on the north side of the property we have the creek that feeds the lake,” Carlton said. “We’re using that lake a great deal for irrigation, and I’ve been thinking that it needs more water fed into it.”

“Can we do that?”

“Sure. There’s another stream near the south side of the property. It wouldn’t take much work to divert most, or all, of its flow into the lake.”

“If you diverted all of the flow, wouldn’t someone downstream complain?”

“There’s nobody to complain. The stream is totally on our property all the way to the river.”

“Are you worried about the lake overflowing during the wet season?”

“A simple spillway will take care of that,” Carlton said. “Water from the spillway can be routed back to the original streambed.”

“Sounds like you have a handle on things, then.”