First thing after breakfast Saturday morning, they made their way up Peachtree Road until they came to the northeast Atlanta office complex where the psychologist’s office was located. The office was normally closed on Saturday, but an attractive thirtysomething redhead answered their knock on the door.
“Hi,” she said. “I’m Lydia Brannon, and you must be Carlton Perry and Eric Slade.”
“Guilty as charged,” Carlton said, and they introduced themselves.
“Give me a moment to secure the outer door, then we can make ourselves comfortable in my office,” she said.
“We’re here at your convenience,” Carlton said.
“Just so.”
In a matter of minutes, they were sitting in comfortable side chairs in her office, and she’d begun to discuss the situation with them.
“We’ve exchanged a number of e-mails, Mr. Perry,” she said. “But, if you don’t mind, I’d like to go over the situation for a few minutes before we begin.”
“That’s fine,” Carlton said, “and it’s Carlton, not Mr. Perry.”