“Okay,” he said, and pointed. “Our property ends at that fence, and if I’m reading this map correctly, there are two small parcels just across the road. According to the man in the assessor’s office, they’re the only two separate parcels near here. The rest of the land on the other side of our fence is owned by one person.”
“And that would be Hamilton Jordan.”
“Exactly. Have you met him?”
“No, but like everyone else around here, I know who he is.”
“Let’s have a look, shall we?”
They stepped into the woods and began to walk around the area. “I see what looks like the remains of an old building over there,” Eric said.
“Yeah, I see them, too.”
They walked over to where Eric had spotted a few brick piers and the remains of a brick chimney, which were pretty much all that was left of whatever had once stood on the spot.
“All of a sudden, I feel the cold,” Carlton said.
“Yeah, so do I.” 38
“Are you sure Aunt Sukey doesn’t mind us using her bed?” Wade said.