Chapter 62

“Provided Mother Nature cooperates,” Carlton said, “and long-range weather forecasts say that she will. Ready to go back to the house?”

“Sure,” Eric said. “We don’t have any jobs lined up today, so I’m going to get back to work on the book.”

“You haven’t said much about the book lately, how’s it coming?”

“Mostly by hand.”

“Ha, ha.”

“Sorry,” Eric said. “You set them up, and I’ll knock them down.”

“You still didn’t answer my question.”

“I have ten s ready to show Lydia’s friend. That should be enough to pique his publisher’s interest.”

“Here’s hoping.”

“And the history of the Raleigh family and the property?”

“I thought I’d told you about that. I plan to mail the final manuscript to the University of Georgia Press just as soon as I wrap up a few loose ends in my research.”

“If you have that many s of your novel ready, it’s time to contact Lydia’s author friend, isn’t it?”

“Yeah, and I’m starting to get nervous about that.”