Charles finished reading his pages first and looked up at his hosts. “That’s quite a story.”
“You can say that again,” Eric said.
Philip set his copy of the document in his lap. “And you haven’t experienced anything, since the family mausoleum was renovated?”
“Not a single thing,” Carlton said.
“We don’t even feel a wave of cold when we walk upstairs in the little folly,” Eric said
“All of which is why I’m here,” Lydia said. “I’m writing a paper on the things these men have experienced, and I want to conduct a few experiments before we fly out of here Sunday afternoon.”
“Such as?” Charles said.
“I want to go to each of the several places where I put them under hypnosis earlier this year, and see what, if anything, that reveals. And I want to conduct a final interview with each of them.”
“In that case,” Carlton said, “we can start our day tomorrow with a tour of the grounds, then wind up in the little folly for our first sessions.”