Chapter 76

When he came back to where they stood talking to Grace, he said, “Grace, Mrs. Goodman is ready for the tribe.”

“Do you need help with the kids?” Philip said.

“Not since they’ve gotten this big,” Grace said, then raised her voice. “Come on, guys, it’s time to get washed up for supper.”

* * * *

Dinner was served in the dining room, and Eric noted that the table could have easily accommodated twelve. Philip’s nephew and his partner were already seated at the huge table when they walked into the room, and it took a couple of minutes for introductions to be taken care of. The food was typical southern fare, and everyone dug into it. When they had finished, Philip’s nephew Steve said, “Roger and I are going to go swim a few laps. Anyone care to join us?”

“Working off some of the calories we just consumed sounds like a good idea to me,” Charles said, and the others agreed.