“Don’t do anything rash, all right?”
She ignored his plea. These men are idiots! They have no idea what it’s like to be a woman. She kicked at the sand as she arrived at the fire pit where Erjon sat.
“Looks like Doreius managed to upset you,” Erjon observed as she approached. He was sitting on a piece of driftwood, warming his hands before the fire.
“It’s not just him.” She threw herself onto her own seat. “It’s everyone.”
“Because of the woman the captain took captive.” Driada pressed her lips into a thin line. Erjon sighed. “I knew you wouldn’t be pleased.”
“The captain certainly knew that, too.” She could barely make out the woman now, but she could hear her sobs. “I’ve told him several times how much I hate seeing these women tortured. And of course he ordered Doreius to set her up in full view of my tent.”
Erjon rubbed his temples. “Believe me, lass, you’re not the only one who disapproves of the captain’s orders.”