“What kind of sacrifice does Penelopia like?” Helle asked, her voice trembling.
Marcus looked up from where he was crouching next to the candles, shadowing his face for dramatic effect. “Blood.” The lady gasped, and Demetrius stepped in front of her protectively, as if Marcus were about to slit her throat. He snorted. “Don’t be absurd. I don’t mean yourblood.” He reached for a bowl of crimson liquid sitting near a crumpled cloak. “I’ve already procured some for this offering.”
Upon seeing the blood, Helle sucked in a breath and made her way over to him. Marcus could see the fear in her withdrawn expression, and yet she did not falter from the task at hand. “How must we worship her, then? Do I…drink it?”
“No!” Marcus exclaimed and took her hand. “You need only dip your fingers within.”
She did as she was instructed.