He stood and listened for a few seconds, but it was impossible to hear anything over the roaring wind. He hoped there hadn’t been too much damage to the village. If the wind didn’t lessen soon, he feared many windows would be shattered before the night was over.
“Espen?” Arvid’s voice came from right behind him. Trepidation crawled into his mind as Arvid came closer—not his.
“What are you doing here?”
“I…erm…I didn’t mean to upset you by…You know.”
Did he know? “It’s okay.”
“I understand it can be unnerving if you’re not normally attracted to men. Most don’t care since I’m an omega, but I get it, okay?”
Oh, he believed Espen was upset over having experienced a wave of arousal for a man. “It’s not that.”
“I understand—erm, the alpha in the group where I grew up always got upset.”