Chapter 12

“You’re worried…about humans?”

Espen frowned. “Yes.” His voice might have gone a little too sharp. “Windows will be shattered, roofs might be damaged, trees will fall, and there might be a hoard of horny alphas tearing through the village.”

Arvid winced. “Sorry.”

Fuck. Espen ran a hand through his wet hair. “It’s not your fault.”

“Not the wind, no, but the alphas. Normally, I’d have flown away before you noticed I was in your territory. I’d be gone before they could get me, but the wind…” He grimaced. “And now I won’t be able to fly for some time.”

Espen studied him. Where would he go? “Where do you live?”

* * * *

Live?Pain stole through Arvid’s mind. He hadn’t had a place to live in fifteen years, never stayed more than a few days in the same place. Once he’d lived with a human man for close to three weeks. It had been the best time he could remember—then they’d found him.