“No, I didn’t.” I rolled my eyes when he and Mindy guffawed my way.
“I still can’t get over you two,” Min repeated for at least the tenth time that night. “It’s just so sweet, eh?” She turned to the other two. Heather harrumphed, her vegetarian sensibilities already offended by the rest of us slavering over unidentifiable street meat on a stick
“I just don’t understand why every gay guy has to sleep with every othergay guy they meet. It just seems so…incestuous!”
“I’m sure you’d know all about incest, being Catholic and all,” I blurted. Min gasped; Scott “oooo’d,” and Jeremy chortled, slapping a thigh with his free hand.
Heather was not amused. “Why are youlaughing?” she asked her boyfriend. “You’re the one who said you didn’t like seeing the two of them together.”
That shut everyone up. Especially Jeremy. I could see him blush under the streetlights. He wouldn’t meet my eyes.
“What’s this, then?” I asked casually.