“You can treat me to a meal out,” she decided. “I want to meet all your friends—invite them, too.”
“They’re all off on Easter holidays,” I explained.
“Oh, that’s okay—I’m here until Monday.”
Fortunately for her—just as much for me—Gran had arranged to stay with a friend in town, rather at my dump of an apartment. We got together for a movie on Saturday, brunch on Sunday, and I reserved us a table at a Greek restaurant she liked for an early afternoon lunch on Easter Monday. I sent an open invitation to the gang, with mixed feelings on who I hoped would show. I didn’t feel like our group was very functional, and I was reluctant to push the limits of our friendships.
But Gran wanted what Gran wanted, and I couldn’t very well say “no,” seeing as I was already rocking the hell out of a new hoodie she’d bought me.
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