* * * *
Once the crew is settled into the carrier, I
retreat to the safety of the nav deck. I can’t sit in the cafeteria
with seven other people and pretend Dylan’s not there, not when he
looks at me the way he does, the hint of a smile on his face
matching the promise I see in his eyes. Every time he opens his
mouth to speak, I feel like a gawkish teenager, and I know the
others see this, they must.The way he makes me feel, the
way I stare at him, the way he watches me, like he didn’t sit on my
bunk two months ago and tell me we shouldn’t be exclusive, at least
not right now. Every time he laughs, I smile at him. Every time he
winks at me, I flush. When his knee nudges mine beneath the table,
I almost knock over my glass of water, I’m that jittery. I have to
get out of here.
So I mumble some lame excuse and hurry to
the nav deck, where it’s dark like a womb and I can hide away from
everyone else for a little while, at least. The only lights come