He’s got a childish streak in him that I want to hide away from the
rest of the world, an innocence I want to protect. “I didn’t,” he
starts, and then he falls silent again, like he’s changed his mind
about what he wants to say. “Neal.”
“Yes?” I ask. I’m falling back on my
professional air, it keeps the distance open, keeps us apart. When
he doesn’t answer, I add, “We’re on a steady course. The signal’s
getting stronger. I don’t think it’ll take too long to get to the
He sighs as if I’m boring him. “Is that all
we have to say to each other?” he wants to know.
I shrug. It’s your fault,I think.
It’s easier to lay all the blame on him. Trying to steer the
conversation to something more personal, he asks, “How have you
been doing?”
“Okay,” I lie, but I’m sure he sees
right through that one, it’s in the way I can’t quite meet his
eyes. “You?”
“Okay,” he echoes. Now we’re both
lying to each other, has it come to this? Softly, he asks, “Are