Chapter 21

But now we’re back together,I tell

myself, and I can live with Dixon’s ignorant remarks because I know

Dylan didn’t leave me for the mission, I know Dylan loves

me. I for one am going to love the look on Dixon’s face when he

hears that we’re back together again. I hope I’m there to see it,

and I won’t hide my smirk then, oh God no. I can hardly wait.

* * * *

The next day finds me alone on the nav deck,

leaning back in my chair and staring out at the stars, thinking

about my boy and how he’s in the med lab right this minute with

Shanley, going over the inventory. If I sit up, I can see the nose

of Parker’s bird out to our right, giving the carrier a wide berth

as he keeps a steady watch. Around me the deck is filled with the

incessant beep beep blip beepof the signal, a tuneless

rhythm I begin to tap out on my knees, steady, regular,


Then it changes. I wouldn’t have noticed if

I wasn’t keeping time and my fingers missed a beat, another, a