Chapter 22

Leaning over his shoulder, I point at the decontamination

procedures and add, “This part strikes me as odd.”

Dylan laughs. “Only that part? What about

the rest of it? They’re going to open a comm-link? What the fuck?”

I see the shine in his eyes when he glances up at me and I know

what he’s thinking before he even speaks. “And you’re still

sticking to this relay theory, aren’t you?”

I shrug—I don’t want to tell him that I’ve

been thinking maybe, just maybe, there’s a slim chance someone

might be out there. It’s improbable as hell and I don’t want to get

his hopes up, I know he wants this to be something big, and if I

tell him he might be right, the S410 mightbe a colony ship,

part of Operation Starseed, and one or two people mightstill be alive onboard, sending us those signals, maybe,

then he’ll get carried away with the idea and I don’t want him

crushed when it turns out Dixon’s right after all and it is