Vallery shrugs. “Off duty?” she asks. “I
don’t know.”
“In response to your request,”
Ellington continues, “I’m sending you eight random files from the
colony’s med lab, along with information about the colony itself.
There is no armament to speak of—I believe Jeremy told you that
“Jeremy?” Vallery asks, cutting him
“Conlan,” he adds. “You spoke with him
He waits. When it’s apparent he’s waiting on
us,I hit the transmit and tell him, “Yes, he’s been in
contact with us since the comm-link opened.” Data fills the screen
in front of me, the files he’s downloading to our DAQ system. “Get
Shanley in here to look at this,” I whisper, and with a curt nod,
Vallery leaves the nav deck. Into the transmit, I laugh and admit,
“You know, we’re all very excited about this.” Less than a half
hour now and we’ll be down there, shaking hands with these guys,
making history.
“As are we,” Ellington replies, but