Kid, as if he’s not the same age as my lover, but he acts so
damn childish sometimes, worse than Dylan in full pouting glory.
Glancing over the file, Johnson shrugs, noncommittal. “I’m not even
really sure what I’m looking at here,” he admits grudgingly.
I hold out a hand for the file, and I’m
surprised when he actually gives it to me. It’s about what I
expect, really—mostly hard clay, which makes the planet look red
from this height. Stunted grass, some shallow riverbeds, an almost
continuous rainy season, sixteen hour day/night cycle— “Sixteen
hours?” I say with a grin. “That’s going to take some getting used
Shanley nods at the file in my hands. “What
do you think?”
“I think it’s probably not going to
make a list of the best vacation spots in the galaxy,” I tell him,
and Vallery laughs. “Lots of clay, always rainy, probably not very
good for crops, if they’ve managed to grow any.” Browsing through