Chapter 36

* * * *

In the end we decide that only four of us

should go down, that’s it. Dylan, because he’s the captain and he

wantsto go— ”You can’t keep me from this,” he tells us as

Vallery configures the landing system. He leans back against the

control panel, one foot propped up on my chair by my thigh, his

arms folded across his chest. “I earned this. It’s my signal, they

spoke to me first, I deserve to go down there.”

“Fine,” Johnson says. “You go. I

ain’t.” He looks around at the rest of us as if defying someone to

challenge him. “I’m going to see if I can set up a long-range

transmission from this carrier. Dixon needs to know what’s going


“Fine,” Dylan says. “You do that. I’m

going down there.”

I touch his ankle, a quick gesture no one

else sees. “You said that. Who else?”

“One of the fighters,” Leena says, and

over the intercom, Milano interrupts, “Not me. I’m gonna stay up

here and keep my finger on the trigger, if you know what I mean.