With each step we take, heads turn, people
stop, they stare, and I catch half-whispered words and quiet
phrases—They let them land… I’m not going… This was stupid, what
if they’re carrying? What then?“Carrying what?” Dylan
whispers, taking a step closer to me. His arm eases around my
waist, his hand fisting at my side, and behind us Maclin clears his
throat. I turn around to find him glaring at us but Dylan ignores
him. “Neal, what—”
“I don’t know,” I tell him. This
wasn’t a good idea at all, us coming here, what were we thinking?
Some of these people look at us like we have a plague, or we’re
here to… what did Ellington say? Tear down everything they’ve built
up, destroy their way of life, but we’re not, that’s not it at all.
What is it, then?a voice inside my mind
It’s just the signal,I reply. We
have to get that mapped so it doesn’t interfere later on down the
line, that’s it, that’s allI don’t like the way these faces