Finally Conlan clears his throat and I jump,
am I that wound up? I didn’t realize it, and I smooth my jumpsuit
down over my thighs, brush Dylan’s hand and then ease mine beneath
it, curving my fingers around his. When Conlan opens his mouth to
say something, though, it’s Shanley who speaks. “Where are the
children?” he asks.
We all turn towards him. “The children?”
Dylan asks. “What—”
Shanley meets Conlan’s steady gaze and
explains. “Two of the files you sent us belonged to pregnant women,
neither with their first child. So where are the others? In
classes, maybe? I didn’t see any in the commons.”
“There are no children,” Conlan says.
His voice is quiet and sad. “None of our women have ever carried to
Silence. “None?” Dylan asks with a frown.
“Why not?”
“Did you read the files we sent?”
Conlan asks.
Shanley nods. “There was nothing in them.
Nothing explicit—”
“We called it the bleed,” Conlan tells