Chapter 76

Have him bring me more soup.” As Tobin fans his pants to dry them,

I yell, “Now!”

He backs away like he doesn’t trust me not

to throw the knife when he turns around. That’s not a bad idea,

actually, but my anger’s already passing. He’s just lucky he didn’t

try this with Dylan, that’s all I have to say. When he’s finally

out of sight, I hear him start to run.

Back on the bunk, I sit in the corner again,

my legs to my chest, and clench the knife in a tight fist as I


* * * *

More footsteps. I don’t bother to look up

until Conlan says, “I hear you tried to kill Tobin.”

“Is that what he’s saying?” I ask.

Conlan carries another tray, slides it through the slot in the

door, more soup. No knife this time, I notice, but I still have the

other one in my hand. I feel like a petulant child when I tell him,

“He started it.”

Conlan only nods. “I know.”

He busies himself with cleaning up the

spilled trays that litter the floor and doesn’t look at me.