Chapter 77

“I know,” he replies. A fork falls

from one of the trays, pings off the floor at his feet. With

deliberate care, Conlan bends his knees, sinks down to pick it


I try again. “Shanley can help her—”

“I know.” The trays slide out

of his hands, tumble to the ground. “Dammit,” he mutters, trying to

gather up the plates again, the bowl, the silverware and cold

pancakes and napkins. I feel like I should apologize for making him

do this but they should’ve sent Tobin to clean up this mess, it’s

hisfault. Before I can say anything, though, Conlan

murmurs, “We have to wait a few days to see how Shauna progresses.

Right now she’s in quarantine. Could be this is just a cold,

nothing more. Could be she’s going to get better. We just have to

wait and see.”

A few days. Is that how long we’re going

to be stuck down here?I can’t stand this forced separation, I

can’t stand knowing Dylan’s locked away somewhere, locked away from