Chapter 80

The bars separate just an inch, and then as

I watch, they begin to retract, drawing into the side of the wall,

opening, and I don’t care why, I don’t care how, I’m already

reaching through to my freedom when I hear footsteps down the

corridor, heavy footsteps, lotsof them, a whole army headed

this way. For a second I wonder what my chances are, if I just

throw myself through the opening and barrel down the corridor—I

wonder how far I’ll get before I’m stopped. I can still try

it,I think, watching the gap in the bars widen slowly.

Then Ellington steps into view, and Ramsey’s

behind him, his cold, blue eyes chilling all thoughts of escape.

And Maclin’s with them, and Henry, they block the corridor like a

human wall, there’s no wayI could break through their

defense. And Conlan—he stands behind them, stares at the floor,

doesn’t even look at me. At my side, I clench the knife tight in my

hand and ask, “What’s this all about?”

“Put it down,” Ellington says, nodding