So I set one foot in front of the other,
careful, and then Conlan steps in front of me to lead the way. When
his eyes meet mine I can see the hope in them, the hope I put
there. If Shanley has it, he can come here,I want to say.
There’s no reason he can’t. No reason Marie has to lose this
baby, too.
But then he turns away and I feel
Ellington’s hand on my back, pushing me after him, and the only
thing I’m thinking about right this second is Dylan.
* * * *
Conlan stops at the third door up the
corridor from mine, on the left. There’s a small keypad set into
the wall, and I watch as he punches in a code, 23—that’s as
much as I see before Ellington shoves in front of me, cutting off
my view. “Jeremy, watch it,” he growls as the bars slide apart.
Someone behind me pushes me through the open door.
Empty cells line either side of the
corridor. I force myself to walk naturally, fight against the voice
inside my mind that wants me to run down the corridor and peer into