Above us the lights flare to life. We glance
up at the dim bulbs, and when I look down the corridor, back the
way we came, I can’t see the partially opened door. That doesn’t
mean shit,I tell myself, taking Dylan’s hand again. Now
that the power’s back on, they’ll be through that door in a
heartbeat and they’ll come looking for us.“We gotta keep
going,” I tell him, breaking into a quick jog.
Dylan leads the way, through so many twists
and turns, up stairways, down more corridors, until I’m completely
turned around, all sense of direction shot. There’s only one way,
ahead, that’s it. I don’t even know where the hell we are—I’m
surprised we’re not back in the prison, or outside the ship by this
point. Every time I look over my shoulder, I expect to see Ramsey
racing to catch us. Every corner we take, I think Maclin’s waiting
just around the bend. In the stairwells, I hear the thud of a
hundred feet trailing us. We’re lost, chased by our own shadows,