That’s all he says.
“I know.” Conlan’s voice is muffled,
indistinct. “I know.”
For long moments neither of them says
another word. They’re trapped in a tableau, frozen in time, Conlan
waiting for Ramsey to pass a judgment on him that never comes.
“What’s going on?” Dylan whispers. He tries to see around me but I
keep him back. “Neal, what’s—”
“Fuck,” Ramsey says again, softer this
time, defeated almost. Beaten by Conlan’s silence, his open
acceptance of what he did and why he did it. I don’t think Ramsey
knows what else tosay. “Why—”
“I’m not like you,” Conlan interrupts,
his voice just as soft. He raises his head, presses the heels of
his hands against his eyes, sighs and explains, “I can’t give up
hope, Ramsey. As long as there’s a chance—”
Ramsey laughs, disgusted. “So you just
believe whatever they say, is that it? Fuck the colony, right? What
if they’re lying to you?”
Anger runs through me. Why would we