No such luck. The knock comes again, this
time followed by Parker’s voice. “I know you guys are in there,” he
Dylan giggles against my neck. “No shit,” he
“Two seconds,” Parker threatens, “and
then I’m going to open this door and drag your naked asses out of
that bunk. One—”
“Don’t you dare!” Dylan cries,
stumbling from the bed. Stepping into his pants, he pulls them up,
hiding smooth, gilded skin. “You open that door, I’m gonna hurt
I kick back the blankets, find my own pants,
lie down and slip into them. “He’s just kidding,” I say. Dylan
should know by now that Parker likes to pick on him. He rises to a
fight so easily, Parker can’t helpit.
But when I reach for my shirt, discarded on
the floor, the door hisses open and Parker comes into the room,
Ellington right behind him. “You guys! I didn’t think you
were really—” He doesn’t finish, just covers his eyes and
back-pedals out of the room, pushing Ellington out, as well. “God,