Whatever his reasons, he’s not talking, at
least there’s that. Maybe he’s just tired of this, we all are, he
just wants it to be over with already, and I understand that
completely. Parker, on the other hand, is all about teasing Dylan,
and it’s quite cute to see the consternation that flickers across
my lover’s face when the other pilot asks him, “What isthe
“The point is,” Dylan starts, and when
he glances at me, I know he doesn’t have a clue what he’s going to
say. He’s the type to talk first, figure out what he said later,
like that whole I want you happystint he pulled when he
left for this mission two months back. But he’s quick on his feet,
I’ll give him that. “The point is that Evan said we could have a
half hour—”
“Time’s up,” Parker says. He laughs
when Dylan frowns at him. “Contrary to popular belief, though, it
ain’t you I came looking for.” He turns to me and asks, “Where
isthe good doctor, anyway?”