“You’re grounded, Captain.
You can’t fly—you’ll be no help to your unit out there. They need
you here.”
“Tomas needs me. Let me go,
Max, please—”
“No.” Her stern voice
leaves no room for argument. “You have your duties, Rickert.
They’ll bring your boy home soon enough.”
When I open my mouth to speak, she
turns away. “Another word and I’ll bring you up on insubordination
charges, Jace. Don’t think I won’t. We’re in the midst of a war and
I need you here. You’re one of the best men we have, so pull
yourself together and stay with me, okay? Keep your head on
straight and he’ll come home, you’ll see.”
Somehow I don’t believe
* * * *
The papers on my desk are meaningless.
I can’t concentrate on the words—all the letters swim in front of
me. I see his name again, and those three little letters that mean
he’s gone and no one knows where to.
On the TV in the hall, the reporters
just say the same things over and over. I’ve heard the words so