Chapter 5

“You fell in love with Will.”

“Yeah, sorry.”

“Graham, please don’t apologise. Love is a very beautiful thing. Though many of my fellow priests wouldn’t agree with the type of love you and Will enjoy, I’m not one of them. I…well, that’s another story. Please go on, tell me more about Will and why you’re currently on this Greyhound bus and talking with this old man.”


He shook his head. “Graham, I am old. That’s a fact. Now about Will. Is he also in love with you?”

I told him all about what happened at the airport and me needing to go see him in Cleveland. “I hope I’m doing the right thing. I mean, I’ve only known Will for a fortnight.”

“You won’t know if you’re doing the right thing or not until you see him.”

“Yeah, and by then it’ll be too late if I’ve done the wrong thing.”

“But if you didn’t go and see your friend, you’d never know. That, I suspect, would be a lot worse than the possible pain of rejection.”