But Father Gibson was great—in fact, he laughed really loud. “See what I mean? It could have all been planned to happen the way it did.”
“You think?”
“Who knows? But isn’t it a comfort to think some higher power has been looking over your shoulder, guiding things so you could meet and fall in love with Will?”
I wasn’t sure about that, but it was a nice thought.
Again, Father Gibson needed to get off the bus when we pulled into Orangeburg. I decided to go as well. Every time the bus stopped, the priest got off to pee. Made me glad I wasn’t old.
* * * *
We pulled into Charlotte where we’d have to change buses. I looked at the timetable and saw we’d be there for an hour. I was getting a bit hungry so I told Father Gibson to use the loo—I’d see to our cases and meet him in the café.