“I don’t know. I want to be in good shape for tomorrow.”
Philip handed her the paper and told her to read the blurbs from the critics. “Siskel & Ebert give it four stars. If we leave now, we can make the early show, be back by ten and in our trundles.”
“I think I should stay in and rest,” she said. “Beverly Hills 90210is on tonight, and you love that show.”
“Come on, Mom. You’ll be resting all day tomorrow.”
“I want to look half-ways decent for my procedure.”
“It’s chemotherapy,” he said. “Not a makeover at Elizabeth Arden. Strictly come as you are.”
She thought a moment then picked up her purse. “Oh, hell. All right.”
Philip helped her into her sweater and grabbed his jacket from a hanger in the closet.
“Whoopi’s comedy only,” she said. “Promise if we’re late or can’t get in, for any reason, we’ll come right back.”
“Promise,” he said.
“And home by ten?”
“Double promise.”
* * * *