Chapter 17

Nathan shivered. He hated that the reason Jim had been on his brain when he woke up was because of yet another appearance of amber eyes. Here, in the Gatehouse and on the mend, Nathan didn’t want to think about his mark, or Jim’s Awakening, or any of it.

Adjusting himself to better face Sasha, the incubus being on his stomach with his arm draped over Nathan, a smile quirked on Nathan’s lips as he met blue eyes again. Sasha was a much better topic to focus on.

Sasha pressed his lips to Nathan’s, and Nathan lifted a hand to trail along the arm thrown over his stomach, finally reaching Sasha’s back where he clung and let his eyes drift closed again. Sasha shifted onto his side but he wouldn’t let Nathan pull their bodies too close together, still wary of Nathan’s wounds. So Nathan held Sasha as close as he could, even as the incubus released him from their kiss.