Chapter 18

Each of them were armed with at least one type of iron weapon just in case—Nathan had his knife since it was less daunting than using a gun in the Gatehouse, and he had to remind himself these days that he didn’t like guns to begin with—and a few of what looked like butterfly nets. They quickly split up to cover the entire building.

As Nathan was nearing the kitchen pantry, he ran into Jim coming from the other direction. Despite what had happened during the night, Jim hadn’t been acting oddly so far today, which Nathan took small comfort in.

“Great. Now Sasha or Alex is going to find it first,” Nathan grumbled.

“What makes you say that?” Jim asked.

“Whoever is at the most disadvantage always runs into the bad guy first. Now we’re paired up and they’re both alone—disadvantage. Didn’t you watch theHalloweenmovies?” Nathan asked incredulously.