Soon, even though Sasha was still flooding Nathan’s senses with fear, he began to relax, to let the trust he had in Nathan convince him that he wasn’t going to fall. Nathan had always had a fear of heights and flying, but for Sasha to suddenly have his wings clipped, it had to be scarier. Nathan understood that but he still enjoyed every minute of flying with Sasha when hewas the one with wings.
He landed on the ground in front of the Gatehouse doors, a little wobbly but gentle enough that he and Sasha both held their footing. The twins dropped down beside them, in their true forms too since they had leapt from the roof. They were even more beautiful that way, Attoinette’s hair fuller and golden, Epica’s wild with blue streaks throughout instead of just the one spot, making Nathan wonder if she had been born with it. Both of them had dark rose-colored markings, like nymphs. Nathan couldn’t help enjoying the way their bikini coverings looked more like lace woven around their bodies.