new place 3

" ok Lee , what do you want me to do with these policies breaker " he asked pointing at the boys knelling.

" umm me " I asked with fear and surprise .

" yes you Lee ,you are going to be their god here today ,so don't be surprised or afraid to say anything" the house master said assuring me that nothing is going to happen.

" uhmm" I muttered again ,who the boys kneeling started blinking their eyes,other rubbing both palms together as a sign of please.

" anything I say here will stand right ,house master" I asked after gathering some sort of courage.

"yes Lee , anything you say will stand " he said giving me an assuring smile .

" ok house master if you say so ,I want everyone kneeling to be free at once , without any further punishment,and the head master is not going to hear that they broke the school policy" I said with much confidence and courage,the house master looked at me surprised with my previous boldness.

"ok Lee ,since you want these policy breaker free ,then you guys are free and next time,this situation occurs again be prepared to leave this school at once,you can go to your various room ".

" ok master we promise this won't happen again,and to you Lee we owe you something"

" thank you seniors ,I will hold you to your words " I replied after hearing their promise.

" ok you can leave now ,and Lee come with me let me take you to your room and also tell you some if the things we allow and the other things we don't allow in this school , follow me " he said and started walking to the entrance of the building.

" ok house master " I said following the house master.

we climbed through the stair case ,to the room that the house master is going to show me .

' I hope my room is at the extreme top of this building ' I thought to myself,I love viewing things an site from above .

the house master walked in front of a big room an stopped,he opened the door of the room .

"this is your new room Lee ,I hope you will like it , and in case you don't like it , you can inform me now " .

" yes house master , i like it " I replied looking at the entrance of my new room .

" ok about the policy I promised to the you , are you willing to listen ".

" yes house master ".

" ok in this school , for those of you paying to lounge in one of this room due to the reasons best known to any of you , we don't allow our student out of the school premises unless you have a duty to carry out , or you have something to attend to urgently you can't leave the school premises.

and secondly, you are not allowed to wear your uniform given to you by the head master unless you have taken the qualification exams .

thirdly you only have a day in a month , when you can go outside and that day is always decided by the head master , that day you have the right to visit or do anything you want to do outside the school, but aside that day , you can't leave the school, am I understood "

" yes sir I will keep to all this policies, I promise"

" ok I hope you keep your promises and be a good boy , see you tomorrow " he said turning his back to leave .

after the house master left the room , I turned my back to face my new room , the room is at least bigger than my former room .

it has a good and bigger bed , unlike the futon I used before , inside the room there is also a chair and a table , the chair and the table main function are for student who want to read .

I walked into the room , placed my bag on the table , bringing out every thing I brought from my house .

feeling a little bit tired , and remembering everything that happened back in school today , I rest my head on the bed trying to catch some sleep and also looking at my NEW PLACE .

' what a hectic day , I hope tommorow will be more hectic than today , I need more action' I said to my self lying back at the bed .

( please I need your help , dear readers , you can see for yourself that I update my work at least 2 chapter a day , so show a little support, I will remove this bracket from this work soon , please add to your library and also you can comment and leave a review.

thank you .)