class day 2

(third-person omnipresent point of view)

' what a hectic day, I wish tomorrow to be very tougher ' Lee thought to his self smiling and looking at the ceilings of his room.

wishing to fall asleep, because he wants to wake up early, he doesn't want to be tagged a latecomer.

___ m___ o____r ____n ____ i___ n___g ___

the sun is taking its place up in the sky and the night is passing on to come back later.

*ding dong * the bell for all students Lounging on the school campus has been jingled.

" aww " Lee yawned standing up from the bed scratching his eyes.

' what so quick, ah I did not enjoy my sleep, why is the sun up already' he thought to his self looking at the morning sun.

weakly he stood up from his bed, he did enjoy his sleep, still rubbing his eyes slowly and sleepily, he walked down to another door in the room leading to another room.

' wow I am having a bathroom, at last, this is super cool ' he thought to his self nodding his head as a sign of approval.

he walked into the room slowly, still walking very slow because he is a little bit tired.

he looked at the room satisfied by the quality of the room, he moved inside hurriedly.

after about three minutes he came out of the room, this time he had more energy than earlier, he collect his clothes from the place he kept them last night.

he put on a red robe with green strips, he wore black sandals, he picked a gold coin from his bag .

" I need to ask the headmaster or the housemaster about the food, or is there a canteen in this school," he said to himself looking at the gold coins in his hands like it was....

__ c__l__ a__s__s__r__o___o___m __

"good morning class " master pachu greeted as he stepped in from the back of the class, the classroom has two entrances one at the front of the class and one at the rare end of the classroom.

master pachu is putting a white robe like that of a royal king or prince, with black durable leather Sandals.

" good morning master pachu" all the students present in the class responded,he waves at them as a response,he looked at the faces of all the students and he found out that I was person is missing, and that person is Lee.

" where is the new student of yesterday, that young boy named Lee, he is absent this morning," he asked, still looking to all the faces.

" maybe he is asleep " a fat student seating in the back seat answered.

" no maybe he is afraid because of yesterday" another student suggested.

" um I am sure, but let see if he comes, but anyway we shall continue our lesson without him, " master pachu said, he started walking to the front of the class with large strides.

" good morning master pachu " someone greeted from the entrance of the class , everyone turned their back to see who is greeting their master .

" um Lee , you are late again, anyway thank your Stars we haven't started, " master pachu said scolding Lee .

" sorry am late , I am trying to get adapted to this school , I promise I won't be late again" Lee promised .

" ok Lee , you can have your seat now , I will start today's lesson" he instructed and he continued walking to the front of the class.

" yes master " Lee replied trying to find a good seat .

' I hope the king of ego Is not in a school today , I am very tired , I don't want to get into troubles' he thought to himself looking for a good sleep , trying to find a seat , he saw his enemy,Amira looking at him with hatred as always.

' who the heck is this guy ,why is he always like this ,can't you change from a dummy to a real human ' he thought to himself ignoring the king of ego .

" today's lesson is about breath taking when fighting , yesterday's lesson is how to plan and execute your attack and at the same time keeping your defense, I hope you remembered" he looked at the eyes of his student .

"no master " they replied In unison.

"ok back to today's lesson...." master pachu gave a long speech and also some demonstration to his students.

the class lesson ended and all the students rushed out of the class including Lee, he rushed out of the class because he is very very hungry .

he asked some of his class mate if there was any canteen In the school and the direction.

after having the direction of the canteen he started heading to the canteen right away .


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