Moments after Xin took Wei's life, law enforcement swiftly entered the cabin to aid the mother and son, guiding them to safety. The immediate vicinity of the crime scene was secured as the police conducted a thorough examination of the surroundings. By collecting testimonies from witnesses and analyzing evidence like the knife that was used, it became evident that the father had tragically taken his own life, perhaps as a way to escape the weight of his actions.

"What's that? A house? The houses in this state have such peculiar structures," Xin mused aloud, his voice tinged with curiosity and ignorance of Earth's current reality. The compassionate police officers exchanged sympathetic glances, attributing the child's lack of understanding to the harsh environment he had grown up in. The concern for Xin's well-being deepened as they noticed his bruises during their earlier inspection. Recognizing the urgency, they swiftly decided to transport both victims to the hospital for medical attention.

"We're taking you to a hospital," a compassionate brown-haired cop reassured Xin. The unfamiliar words triggered a cascade of thoughts in Xin's mind. "Hospital? Is that like a medical facility? But then... my injuries, my mother will find out" his thoughts raced, concern clouding his expression.

Sensing Xin's turmoil, the officer's gaze softened. "Is something bothering you?" he gently inquired. The boy's response came hesitantly. In a language slightly broken, befitting a five-year-old child, Xin asked the cop, "Can you keep my injuries a secret from my mom?"

Curiosity mingled with compassion, prompting the officer to seek understanding. "Does your mother not know about your injuries?" he asked. Xin's reply, a simple yet poignant "Yes," unveiled a layer of their story.

The senior officer leaned forward slightly. "Xin, we have a responsibility to ensure your safety and well-being. We need to make sure you're getting the care you need."

"I know that, and I'm thankful for it. But if thou couldst just pretend I'm okay, that nothing happened, it would mean everything to me. Mom leans on my voice, my presence, to feel know that I'm alright. I promise I'll do all within my power to heal, but please... if she knows the state I've endured, I fear she cannot handle it. I beg of thee officer."

The officer's eyes welled with tears as Xin pleaded in a fractured tongue and a mix of his native language. "How can such a small child speak with such maturity? The hardships he endured must've been immeasurable," he ruminated within.

Empathy tugged at the officer's heartstrings as he grasped the nuances of their predicament.

"You have my word. Your secret is safe with us," he pledged earnestly, a protector's promise extended to the boy whose innocence and kindness shone even in the face of adversity. Given the absence of an immediate threat to the victims' safety, the officer deemed the request reasonable and acceptable.

The kind-hearted officer gently scooped Xin into his arms, while his colleagues assisted Li Si. "Don't worry, kid. Everything is going to be okay from now on," the comforting words flowed from the officer as he carried Xin. Responding to Li Si's request, the officers readily arranged for her to sit with her child.

Inside the police car, Xin's confusion remained palpable. "What's happening? Is this where we'll be living now?" he queried, still grappling with the events happening. Li Si enveloped Xin in an embrace, her voice tender and reassuring. "My dear Xin, we're on our way to a safe place" she uttered, her voice carrying the warmth of a long-awaited promise.

As the engine started, Xin couldn't suppress a startle at the unfamiliar noise. "It's moving... like a carriage, but without horses," Xin mused, his curiosity piqued by the novel experience. Glancing out the window, he saw the scenery gliding past in a blur, the world outside appearing to pan before his eyes. "Mom, the house is moving!" he exclaimed, his excitement evident as he shared his observation to Li Si.

Amidst the shifting scenery, Li Si's heart swelled with tenderness for her son. She couldn't help but chuckle at Xin's innocent amazement as he gazed upon the outside world for the very first time. Despite the hardships she had faced, a resilient smile graced her lips.

In the middle of the transition, Xin remained steadfast, his gaze unwavering as he peered out of the police car's window. The journey was a lengthy one, a testament to the remoteness of Xin and Li Si's former abode. Perched on the edge of his seat, Xin's knees pressed against the cushion as he clung to the sight of the mysterious and enchanting world outside. It was a scene of wonder, the likes of which he had never encountered before.

As the car continued its path, the vibrant city lights painted a kaleidoscope of colors against the canvas of the night sky, casting a magical glow. Xin's eyes, a deep scarlet hue, absorbed the luminous panorama before him, reflecting the awe that coursed through him. "Where are we? This... it's unlike anything I've ever seen," Xin marveled, his voice a mix of astonishment and disbelief. The urban spectacle unfolding before him was a stark contrast from the rustic setting he had known in his previous life.

A tender smile graced the lips of the female police officer who accompanied them within the vehicle. "Welcome to Mingjingcheng," she announced with warmth in her voice, her words unveiling the name of their newfound home. "This is where you'll be living from now on."