Five years have passed since Li Si and Xin were rescued. Now settled in Mingjingcheng, Xianya, they inhabit a modest apartment provided by the government as part of a supportive initiative. Initially granted a year of free residency, this opportunity came with the stipulation that Li Si engage with support services aimed at fostering self-sufficiency.

Through her steadfast dedication, Li Si has now carved out a niche for herself as a masseuse, earning 13000 Yùbì per month. This income proves sufficient to sustain both Li Si and her growing 10-year-old son. Additionally, it allows her to cover the apartment's monthly rent, thereby providing them with a secure and stable living arrangement.

In the early morning light, the room is bathed in a soft, diffused glow. But within this tranquil scene, Xin lies in his bed, tangled in a web of restless slumber. His face contorts with unease, as if grappling with the echoes of his past life. He's ensnared in a restless dream, caught between the light of morning and the darkness of his past.

The scene transitions, guiding us to the wall that conceals a mother busily preparing breakfast in the kitchen. Despite its small size, the kitchen functions efficiently. The mother stands over a small stove, using a pan to fry rice. Her actions suggest that she's nearing the end of the cooking process, yet she pauses abruptly, seemingly in search of an ingredient. From her hand emerges a sachet, and she begins to sprinkle a certain type of powder into the pan. This isn't salt, pepper, or paprika—it's...

A familiar scent reaches the slumbering red-haired boy, causing his eyes to snap open. "Xin! Get up, —" Li Si's words seem muffled to Xin's ears. "MSG," his voice hoarse from the remnants of his unsettling dream.

"Oh, you're up, my little Xin" Li Si greets.

"Good morning, mom. What's for breakfast?" Xin replies. His speech has improved thanks to his lessons at school. However, his tone and accent remain distinct.

"Fried rice," Li Si answers.

"Nice! Let me help you with setting the table," Xin offers, gathering silverware and plates.

Soon, the food is laid out on the table, and Xin and Li Si sit across from each other.

Taking a bite, Xin remarks, "Your cooking is always delicious, mom." His appreciation is genuine, as the food he now enjoys is a stark departure from what he was accustomed to in his past life.

"You're quite the flatterer, little one. I know you enjoy any dish with a dash of MSG," Li Si teases, a chuckle escaping her.

"Of course, MSG is the king of flavors," Xin replies with a playful smile.

"Today feels special, considering you rarely use MSG, claiming it's bad for my health," Xin observes.

"Have you forgotten? It's your birthday," Li Si reveals.

Xin glances at the calendar on the fridge near the dining table. The date reads October 10, 2023.

"I forgot," Xin admits. Birthdays were a foreign concept to him, having been a slave in his previous life without anyone to inform him of such occasions.

"That's why I'm leaving work early today. I'll fetch you from school by 5:00 PM, and we'll go somewhere nice and enjoy delicious food—without MSG," Li Si adds with a playful emphasis.

Li Si had been working tirelessly, her budget limited, preventing her from indulging in extravagant gifts or lavish meals for special occasions, not even her own. She was conscious about Xin's seemingly indifferent attitude towards his birthday, suspecting it stemmed from her inability to make it special. Now, with her hard-earned income from side jobs, she's determined to create a memorable birthday celebration for her son.

"Okay mom," Xin responds, a genuine smile of appreciation lighting up his face.




"Isn't it peculiar?" mused Xin, his crimson eyes meeting their reflection within the mirror's polished surface. His complexion was pale and cold, his pointed teeth as deadly as daggers. His hair and eyes were washed in a shade of blood-red, matching the life-force that he had drawn from his adversaries over the years.

His form in the mirror ebbed away, replaced momentarily with a spectral echo from his past. Frayed clothes on a bruised body- each mark a painful keepsake of the scorn and fear he had induced in people who'd considered him a monster. These pristine mirrors, once so scarce, now reflected more than just a surface- they echoed the depths of his identity. His gaze was thoughtful as it flitted between the two versions of himself- the abused boy and the feared warrior. "Who knew mirrors could reveal so much more than one's outward appearance..." he whispered into the chilling silence.

Shaking off the reverie, Xin refocused on the present. He meticulously organized his school supplies in his bag. While his mother readied herself for work, he strolled through their home, each corner invoking a rush of memories.

In his cozy room, he fondly recalled his mother's soothing lullabies that once lulled him to sleep. Despite his mature mind, he held onto these moments dearly, as he had never experienced a mother's care in his previous life—let alone the comfort of lullabies and bedtime stories.

In the kitchen, he recollected the hours spent beside his mother, both of them preparing meals together. An afterimage flickered—him diligently cleaning the floor and wiping down the table, a testament to his little contributions.

His mind then wandered to the times he had gallantly played the role of a knight for his mother. "Fear not, my lady, for I shall vanquish the evil dragon and rescue you!" Echoes of a younger voice resounded in his mind, accompanied by fleeting images of a boy brandishing a cardboard sword, bravely defending his mother from an imaginary dragon.

As Xin wandered through these memories, he realized that his journey had brought him to a world of warmth, love, and moments that he cherished more than he could have ever imagined.

"I'm ready," Li Si said, her weariness caused by her haste. Xin reached out his hand to his mom, eager to assist her. "My son is such a thoughtful boy; he can prepare everything on his own, even while taking care of his mother," she remarked as they made their way to the doorstep to put on their shoes and sandals. Xin smiled, content with the way things were in this life, as he couldn't wish for more.

Meanwhile, in school.

Xin sits in the corner of the classroom beside the window, his eyes fixated on the beautiful scenery that highlights the architectural differences between his past life and the present. Unlike before, he has now come to a realization that he was in a different timeline.

His brief moment of peace was interrupted by a chorus of voices emanating from his classmates. "Look, the zombie-faced guy is daydreaming out the window again. What's with him? Does he think he's the protagonist of a story or something?" a boy quipped to his friends. "Seriously, he acts like he's someone special, but he's got that Jiangshi look going on. Check out those teeth," another boy chimed in, stretching his mouth to reveal his teeth in a mocking imitation of Xin's appearance resembling a folklore creature. "Nah, he's more like a Gui," one of the boys in the group added, and the teasing continued.

Xin paid no heed to the childish taunting of his peers, as he had grown accustomed to such behavior. Ever since he arrived in the city, he had observed that many people found his appearance peculiar, but this was a mere trifle compared to the discrimination he endured in his past life.

"Hey, the bastard's not reacting again," the boy with blonde-dyed hair remarked, a smirk playing on his lips. The other boy, squinting as if deep in thought, appeared to be hatching a plan. "I think I have an idea," he finally spoke up, and the group gathered in a huddle, their heads bent together as they whispered conspiratorially. After a brief discussion, they returned to their original positions.

"Have you heard?" the boy with the blonde hair continued, his tone dripping with malicious intent. "Apparently, the Jiangshi's mother is blind. Maybe that's why he was born with such a disgusting appearance – his mother is a freak as well." Laughter erupted from the group, a chorus of mean-spirited amusement.

"Those little..." Xin muttered, anger is overtaking him once again. "No... calm down, Xin," he whispered to himself, a struggle between his anger and better judgment. "They're just kids. What do you think would happen if the teacher saw a bunch of children lying on their own blood and their heads rolling down the floor" Xin's eyes locked onto the children with a menacing glare.

The kids sensed Xin's intense stare, and it sent a shiver down their spines. "Let's, uh, take a break for now," the other kid suggested, his voice faltering. "Yeah, lunchtime's calling," the blond-haired kid added.

"That's right, little sparrows, flutter away to your nests before the hawk comes swooping," Xin mused to himself.

Xin was a modest student in school. While he may not have been the sharpest tool in the shed academically, he showed a good grasp of history and languages, though he didn't shine in science and math. However, he truly excelled in sports and physical education. Frequently chosen as a representative in competitions, especially in martial arts, Xin's skills were notable. Despite his abilities, Xin purposefully held back to avoid drawing undue attention. He understood that revealing his true capabilities might attract unwanted interest, potentially leading to people attempting to exploit him or subject him to experimentation like a lab rat. He often secured 2nd or 3rd place, occasionally even achieving 1st, all while maintaining his integrity and not compromising his determination to win. His achievements brought a sense of pride, knowing they brought joy to his mother.

Another reason Xin frequently gazed out the window was his anticipation of meeting his mother at the school gate. While he was accustomed to returning home alone due to her work commitments, the well-established public transportation system in the city made it a common practice for children to commute independently, especially when their homes were nearby. Setting aside the fact that Li Si would be picking him up from school, Xin's curiosity was piqued by his mother's mention of a surprise destination and the promise of delicious treats. As the anticipation of the day's special plans took hold, his eagerness only grew stronger.

As the clock's left hand struck 12, the anticipated hour of 5:00 pm had arrived. Xin rushed to his locker, swiftly swapped his shoes, and gently placed them on the floor to slip into. Grabbing his bag, he headed to the school gate, expecting to see Li Si waiting for him.

However, as he reached the gate, there was no sign of his mother. "She must have gotten caught up at work. I hope she's alright," Xin mumbled to himself, remaining patient. The minutes passed, and it was already 5:30. At that point, worry was clouding his mind.

Not having a phone due to financial constraints, Xin sprinted to the nearest telephone station about a kilometer and a half away. Although this was only his second time making a call, the first being when his mom had taught him, he managed to dial his mother's workplace number. A voice came through the line, A voice resonated from the line, "You've reached ****** Massage Services. How may I be of help to you?"

With a young boy's voice, Xin inquired, "Um, is Dao Li Si there?"

Recognizing his voice, the lady on the other end responded, "You must be her son? She left about an hour ago, mentioning that she forgot something. Was it a present?" There was a note of concern in her tone.

The receiver slipped from Xin's hand, the phone swinging by its cord, and his face displayed a mixture of fear and shock. He sprinted back to their apartment complex, covering the distance in what would have taken a 30-minute drive, fueled by anxiety and desperation. As he neared the building, he noticed people fleeing in hysteria, which only intensified his worry.

Arriving at the apartment, Xin was met with a pile of rubble where their once-humble home stood. He frantically sifted through the debris, each brick he moved increasing his desperation. Finally, he found Li Si, unconscious and bleeding. The sight sent a shock through him, his face drained of color, his expression a mask of fear and disbelief.

Amidst the devastation, Xin's attention was drawn to a small box clutched tightly in Li Si's hand. He carefully extracted it from her grip, puzzled why she was holding onto it as if it were more precious than her life. Slowly opening it, he was met with the sight of a toy sword. Overwhelmed by emotions, tears welled in Xin's eyes, and he succumbed to uncontrollable sobs.

Suddenly, an otherworldly noise echoed from above, a haunting melody that seemed both repulsive and mystically alluring. Xin looked up to see a rip in space, a grotesque hole, and creatures emerging from it.

The scene shifts back to the phone hanging by its cord in the station, and from it, piercing shrieks of horror reverberate.