As creatures emerged from the portal, Xin carried his unconscious mother with care. Urgency gripped him; he needed to heal her swiftly. However, one of the portal's creatures, resembling a winged angel, lunged at them menacingly. Xin's grip tightened on the toy sword Li Si had clutched, and with resolve, he wielded it as if it were a real weapon, cleaving the creature in two.

In the aftermath of the clash, a surreal phenomenon unfolded before Xin's eyes—a luminous blue, transparent screen materialized. Its message was clear: "You have slain an Angel." The screen dissolved, only to be replaced by another: "You have gained the affinity: Light."

Xin pushed aside the notifications on the screen, focusing intently on the dire situation unraveling before him. Determined to save his mother, he drew upon his skills and initiated a technique known as Qi Flowing Harmony (Qi Liu Hexie). With precision, he channeled his qi into Li Si's body, mending her internal injuries and seeking to restore her health. Despite his efforts, her injuries were completely healed, yet she remained unconscious.

Refusing to succumb to despair, Xin held onto the hope that modern medicine could potentially save his mother. Determined, he made the decision to locate a hospital, believing that their advanced treatments might hold the key to reviving her.

In the face of the chaos, he opted to sprint to the hospital instead of relying on transportation vehicles. Speed was of the essence, and his lightning-fast pace turned his movements into a blur. As he sprinted, he observed the populace in frenzied flight, buildings buckling under the strain of the portal's arrival. The scene was surreal—a serene azure sky contrasted starkly with the rips in space that marred the landscape, defying all logic and known physics. It was as if the very fabric of reality had been torn asunder, yet the natural world carried on, undisturbed.

Amidst the chaos, however, Xin discerned an even more perplexing anomaly. Some people were vanishing, their forms warping and distorting until nothing remained. Even the beggar who had been sprawled on the street disappeared, leaving behind only a discarded mat.

With unwavering spirit, Xin sprinted in search of a hospital that could potentially save his mother. He spotted several medical facilities along the way, but his hopes were shattered as each one lay in ruins, victims of the invading portals and the ensuing chaos. As monsters flooded the streets, attacking innocent people, Xin was forced to navigate through this perilous landscape, his priority firmly fixed on carrying his unconscious mother to safety. Despite the overwhelming odds and the obstacles in his path, he shouldered the weight of his mother's body, a stark contrast to his own young frame, and continued his desperate race against time.

Clutching the toy sword in one hand, Xin swung at the monstrous obstacles that stood in his way. Despite the flurry of battles and the constant notifications flashing on the blue screen beside him, he paid them no attention. The words "You have leveled up!" blinked repeatedly.

As Xin approached the North Mingjingcheng Hospital, the sight of armed soldiers guarding the entrance caught his attention. They were equipped with an array of weapons, each strategically positioned to counter any potential threat. Among them were sharp-eyed snipers, positioned at key vantage points, and others camouflaged within the grass, their long-range firearms ready for action. They were a disciplined force, their communication devices helping maintain a cohesive unit.

Xin noticed the soldiers' puzzlement as he neared, and a sniper, through a high-powered scope, observed the approaching figure—an image slightly distorted by the heat haze. The initial alarm seemed to subside as the sniper confirmed, "It's just a kid, carrying a woman with him."

The other soldiers, still cautious, took note of the news. Despite the oddity of such a young boy bearing a woman larger than himself, the recent waves of monsters had kept everyone on edge, and they couldn't afford to overlook any potential danger.

"How old do you reckon that kid is?" one of the guards stationed at the entrance asked, sounding a bit skeptical.

"Probably not older than twelve," replied the soldier with the sniper rifle, squinting to get a better look.

The inquiring soldier didn't buy it. "Lei, are you being serious? How can a kid that small be carrying someone twice his size?" He scratched his head, thinking out loud, "It might be some kind of monster disguising itself to deceive us. That'd explain why those monsters disappeared in that area."

"If it actually is a kid, and we've got it wrong, what's the plan?" Lei, the soldier who first spotted the boy chimed in, curiosity mixing with caution in his voice.

The group decided to hold off and wait for the child to get closer, playing it safe.

Xin, fully aware of their wariness, eased off his sprint, trying to look like any other ten-year-old approaching the hospital gate.

As he stood before the group of soldiers at a cautious distance, a representative stepped forward and began posing a series of questions, all aimed at confirming his identity. They inquired about his name, age, birthdate, address, and other details that a kid would typically know. The representative promptly relayed this vital information to the relevant authorities stationed at the hospital. It became evident that the hospital had transformed into more than just a medical facility; it had evolved into a secure refuge for people in need. Alongside the military personnel, Identity Assurance Firms played a crucial role in ensuring the safety and authenticity of those seeking shelter within its walls.

Confirmation washed over Xin, and he finally exhaled a sigh of relief. His appearance was ragged, clothes in tatters, and the play sword from his mom was nowhere to be found – – probably fell victim to the tumultuous encounter with the marauding creatures during his journey here.