[Awakener]: Dao Xin

[Race]: Undead

[Level]: 10

[Affinity]: Light

[Class]: N/A


[Health]: 1000000/1000000

[Mana]: 0

[Qi]: 1000/1000

[Strength]: 100

[Agility]: 100


[Speed]: 100

[Perception]: 100

Attribute Points: 20


1. Qi Flowing Harmony (lvl max)

2. Qi Control (lvl max)

3. Touch of Death (lvl max)

4. Martial Arts Proficiency (lvl max)

5. Weapon Proficiency (lvl max)

6. Steel Blade Arts Physique (lvl max)

7. Creation (lvl 1)

Skill Points: 10

In a quiet corner of the hospital room, a young boy sits on a mat, back against the white wall. Around him, other refugees, newcomers to the hospital, form a disparate group. The hubbub of muffled conversations fills the air, a blend of languages and worries.

But within this bustling scene, a soft blue glow envelops the boy, a spectral illumination that seems to paint his form. A mysterious aura accompanies this luminance, as if the very fabric of reality has shifted for him alone.

"By the beard of Confucius, this is as bewildering as a chicken attempting to recite the I Ching!" Xin finds himself puzzled by the foreign terminology, realizing he's stepping into the realm of the unknown—a world of gaming lingo.

"What on earth is 'undead' supposed to mean?" Xin contemplates this unfamiliar term, an outsider to the RPG vernacular.

"Does this imply I've reached the realm of immortals?" Xin wondered aloud.

"These attributes. Is it referring to my constitution?" Xin pondered, staring at the numbers beside the attributes, which seemed to be in perfect equilibrium.

Xin couldn't help but smirk.

"True to form, my attributes are perfectly balanced," Xin said, though he hadn't anticipated it. All he knew was that throughout his life, he had always focused achieving balance in every move, every skill, and most importantly, in the weapons he wielded.

"Except for some…." Xin looked at the attributes, noticing a few that stood out in contrast to the rest: hp, qi, and…

"Mana... the essence of magical energy, perhaps?" Xin scratches his head, noticing the comparatively lower mana attribute on the list.

"So, these are my skills," Xin realizes, recognizing many techniques and practices he honed over his past lifetime, except for one enigmatic entry— "Creation."

Initially, Xin had merely sought a moment of respite, leaning against the mat in his customary manner since his arrival a week prior. However, out of nowhere, a radiant azure interface blinked into existence before him, capturing his attention with its strange appearance.

After an extended period of fixating on the translucent tableau, his brow furrowed in an attempt to decipher the bewildering terminologies, a new projection materialized, causing the status display to vanish.

A bold notification appeared before Xin, capturing his attention with its prominent message: "You have received a class." Below this announcement, smaller text followed, providing context: "After reaching level 10, individuals can unlock a unique class that mirrors their essence. Your status will be updated accordingly following this message. Remember, once a being's class is determined, it remains unchangeable."

The message vanished, leaving Xin curious about its content. However, he couldn't figure out how to summon the status window. After all, it had only appeared now, after a week of being ignored.

As the spectral screen vanished, the once-muffled voices of the refugees became distinct and clear, filling the room with a buzz of conversations.

"I hear the number of awakeners increased these days," a voice remarked, carrying the air of intrigue.

"Awakeners?" another voice inquired, curiosity tinged with skepticism.

"A group of people who gained special abilities after the portals appeared," a third voice chimed in.

"You were not aware that the people outside protecting us are awakeners?" a confident voice questioned.

Stepping away from his mat, Xin made his way down the hospital hallway and into the bustling cafeteria. He eavesdropped on the conversations around him, curious about the people in this makeshift refuge. There was a diverse mix of folks here—some nursing injuries, others sticking together in groups, a few with their families, and a handful who seemed to be on their own.

He couldn't help but notice a woman, her tears painting a somber picture. It was evident she had lost someone special, just like many others here who'd been touched by tragedy. Some had fallen victim to the rampaging monsters, others had vanished without a trace, leaving behind unanswered questions to people.

Before the cafeteria counter, a small boy stood, his shoulders barely reaching above the countertop. He stretched his arms out, clutching a tray. The server recognized the familiar face—a regular who was always alone. Perhaps it was a touch of sympathy for a child without a guardian, but the server consistently added a bar of chocolate to the tray, alongside the other food items.

"Indeed, the confectionery is present once more. I extend my gratitude," Xin remarked, appreciating the gesture.

"You're welcome," she replied, her smile a mix of warmth and wistfulness. The sight of the boy reminded her of her own grandson, who had vanished since the portals had appeared.

Xin found an unoccupied table and carefully placed his tray upon it before settling down, ensuring his comfort. As he enjoyed his meal, his attention shifted to the television mounted on the wall right in front of him. The advertisement clip seamlessly transitioned into a news segment.

"In breaking news, a remarkable phenomenon has unfolded, with a significant number of individuals seemingly appearing out of thin air. This phenomenon is evidently on the rise," reported the male anchor, his tone professional and grave.

"With the emergence of these awakeners, it appears humanity may have received a reprieve from the ongoing crisis."

"However, the individuals who have reappeared after their initial disappearance, coinciding with the day of the monster's arrival, all seem to possess the status of awakened individuals."

"Furthermore, our investigations reveal that they are considerably more formidable than the average awakened individuals, raising intriguing questions about their experiences."

"Remarkably, during our interviews with these awakened individuals, they assert having spent significant durations within alternate worlds, a fascinating claim that warrants further examination."

The news provided an intriguing backdrop to Xin's meal, sparking his curiosity about the broader implications of these awakening abilities. "Awakeners, huh," Xin mused.

Beep-beep, ring-ring—these sounds filled the expansive cafeteria, mingling with gasps of surprise and joyful exclamations from the crowd.

Among the people, a server with wisps of grey hair and an elderly demeanor was caught up in the commotion. Her phone suddenly rang, and on the screen, it displayed "Daughter," indicating the caller. She reached for the phone with slightly trembling hands, bringing it to her ear. The silence that followed was fleeting, but then a shaky, youthful voice spoke, "Our Ying-ying is back." A rush of emotion overcame the old lady, tears welling up in her eyes, overwhelmed with happiness that her grandson had returned.

As the people around him remained engrossed in their phones, Xin keenly sensed something amiss. The environment around them quivered, causing slight tremors that reached even the television mounted on the wall and the pendant lights hanging from the ceiling. The subtle disturbances were enough to capture everyone's attention. Conversations ceased abruptly, and people began frantically using their phones, presumably searching for any connection to the unusual tremors, perhaps news of an earthquake.

The once bustling cafeteria had fallen into a hushed silence, an air of unease palpable. Xin continued with his meal, all the while casting glances at the TV screen, awaiting any developments.

After what felt like an eternity, another breaking news bulletin flashed across the screen. The newscaster's demeanor spoke volumes, revealing the gravity of an ongoing crisis. This time, the newscaster's visage bore a profound sense of shock, as if grappling with the weight of the news about to be shared. After a brief moment, he managed to regain his composure, audibly clearing his throat before addressing the audience.

"We have received devastating reports from Lumin city, where a catastrophic event has transpired. The sudden nature of this occurrence hinders precise quantification, but initial estimates indicate that millions have tragically lost their lives due to the seismic impact of what is believed to be a colossal tower." The newscaster's face grew visibly paler, mirroring the gravity of the situation.

"According to some experts, this tower's height reaches a staggering 2000 meters, contributing to the immense earthquake responsible for this heartbreaking loss of lives" He paused momentarily, the weight of his words hanging heavily in the air.

The television screen showcased a breathtaking view—a sweeping panorama taken from a vantage point at sea, capturing the sheer enormity of the colossal tower that had unleashed devastation upon an entire city. The image was awe-inspiring in its scope, the towering structure seeming to defy the very heavens, dominating the skyline with an intimidating presence that left a shiver down the spine of anyone who beheld it. The magnitude of the catastrophe became starkly evident, as the camera angle emphasized the immense scale of the tower.