In what seemed to be a wasteland, the remnants of a once-thriving city lay in ruins. Before a colossal tower that reached immeasurable heights, a massive congregation of awakeners had assembled.

For Xin, this was his second visit to this desolate location. The first had occurred when he was just thirteen years old, engaged in a life-and-death battle against the tower's guardians. Unlike his previous encounter, where he had expended chaos points to acquire flight through his blade, this time he opted for a more conventional approach. He embarked on a 3 and a half-hour airplane journey to reach this destination.

Amid the bustling crowd, which shifted restlessly as individuals moved about, Xin stood like a solitary figure amidst a sea of movement.

"I can't believe it; no one seems willing to team up with me," Xin muttered, his arms crossed in an attitude of patient waiting.


"Hello, I'm Xin. Could I possibly join your group?" he inquired, addressing a random assemblage of hunters that appeared to form a complete team.

"What's your level and class?" a member of the group queried.

"I'm level 100, and my class is Weapon Master," Xin replied.

Disappointment briefly flashed across the faces of the group members, not even making an effort to conceal it.

"He's just a newbie. He'd only drag us down. We can't take him," a blue-haired boy from the group whispered to their spokesperson.

"But he's cute. Can't we give him a chance?" a woman in her twenties, sporting blond hair, interjected. The blue-haired boy's glare silenced her, and she raised her hands in surrender.

"I'm sorry, but our team is already at full capacity," the spokesperson of the group informed Xin, his words carrying a note of finality.

Unaffected, Xin moved on to approach other groups, hoping to find a place among them. However, his efforts were met with repeated rejections, each more disheartening than the last. Some teams dismissed him with phrases like, "We're in need of experienced hunters," while others employed hurtful remarks, such as, "You're far too weak for our ranks." Among the more hurtful comments was the mockery of his class title, "Weapon Master? Really? So you just fight with weapons? How useless."

Finally, just as a glimmer of hope seemed to shine through, Xin was approached by a group of girls his age. Their inquiry, "Hey, would you be interested in joining us?" was accompanied by giddy giggles and flattering compliments. Just as Xin was about to respond, one of the girls' gaze shifted to a familiar figure in the distance, surrounded by an enthusiastic crowd. "Oh, it's the Liu siblings!" she exclaimed.

"Really? Where?" the others chimed in simultaneously.

"Oh my gosh, it's Liu Zhihao!" a chorus of excited voices erupted from the girls as they hurried towards the gathering crowd.

"Ah, the black and white duo," Xin remarked.

The sudden appearance of the Liu siblings had an almost magical effect on the orderly assembly of individuals, causing it to dissolve into a more chaotic, swarm-like formation. Like moths drawn to a flame, the crowd converged upon the pair, their collective focus shifting entirely.

"And now, it seems my hopes of joining a group have been shattered into pieces as small as grains of sand," he sighed, his voice laced with resignation, as he observed the majority of the clusters gravitating towards the Liu siblings, beseeching them to become part of their teams.

Returning to the present, this is how Xin found himself, a lone figure, amidst the arid wasteland, the very air carrying swirls of dust in the scorching heat. The once bustling crowd was gradually dissipating, vanishing piece by piece, as individuals made their way into the towering edifice.

In reality, Xin held little interest in joining a group, considering his capability to handle most of the work on his own. However, the tower's regulations left him with little choice but to comply. The rule dictated a minimum group size of three, and if he dared to enter the tower alone, his very existence would dissolve into smithereens upon crossing its threshold.

Fortune smiled upon Xin, for he wasn't the sole inhabitant of this expansive, desolate realm. Against the backdrop of the barren landscape, three figures stood tall, towered over only by the imposing structure that dominated the horizon. Among them was a girl with hair as dark as the night, a boy with a mane of platinum blond, and of course, Xin himself.

As his gaze roamed, it locked onto the solitary forms, prompting a widening of his eyes. Simultaneously, the other two noticed Xin's intent stare, and their own eyes mirrored his reaction, a mixture of astonishment and perhaps even relief. Without hesitation, they closed the distance between them, converging like siblings reunited after a long separation.

As they closed in, a sense of déjà vu washed over them, a feeling that they had crossed paths before. With each step, their features became more distinct, etching memories onto their minds. As they finally stood within arm's reach, they extended their arms in sync, fingers pointing at each other.

"Well, well, if it isn't the groovy red-haired twinkle toes."

"Ah, the funny guy, right on cue."

"Comic book thief!"

A moment of silence hung in the air until the blond guy finally broke it.

"You two know each other?" he inquired.

"No, I just happened to witness what seemed like a red-haired orangutan attempting some sort of interpretive dance on the streets," the raven-haired girl said.

The blond guy raised an eyebrow, "Oh, you bore witness to that spectacular performance as well?"

"I get it, no need to remind me of my... unique dance style," Xin said with a straight face. "But hey, do you recall our memorable encounter? Lucky Mart! Comic book! Does that jog your memory?"

A wave of recollection washed over the girl. "Oh, I remember now. That mythos comic book was yours? I'm so sorry," she nodded apologetically.

"You read mythos? Isn't that old-school stuff? Nexus Comics are more popular now," the blond guy chimed in.

"Yeah, I do. Mythos is like the unsung hero of comic books, a hidden gem waiting to be rediscovered," his tone a mix of enthusiasm and a hint of defensiveness, not realizing that Mythos was actually considered a classic in the comic book world.

Xin cast a glance back at the girl who was sincerely apologizing, even bowing her head slightly as a gesture. "Anyways, since you're genuinely apologizing, I suppose I can let it go," Xin said, his half-smile revealing his laid-back attitude.

"I'll make sure to return it to you," the raven-haired girl promised.

After a brief pause, the blond-haired guy initiated another conversation. "So... are we going to team up or what? I'm pretty sure we're the only ones left," he proposed.

"It's fine with me," the raven-haired girl replied.

Xin grinned. "Isn't that the reason why we sprinted over here like headless chickens? But before we dive in, shouldn't we at least get to know each other a bit? The name's Dao Xin, by the way."

"I'm Li Zhen Yu," the blond introduced.

"Lian Huomei," the raven-haired girl added.


Another awkward silence lingered in the atmosphere.

"I suppose we should enter the tower now," Xin suggested.

"Yeah, I think we should. This scorching heat is making me tan," Zhen Yu responded as he held up a mirror, inspecting his reflection with a wry grin.

Huomei, the silent warrior of the trio, nodded solemnly, her gaze fixed on the tower's imposing entrance.

Advancing toward the gate, they passed between the stone giants that stood opposite to each other on either side. What unfolded beyond defied earthly expectations. The gate, crafted from an otherworldly metal, stood tall and mysterious, flanked by sand-colored stones that emitted an uncanny aura.

As they reached the gate's threshold, verdant hues emanated from its edges. With a deep rumble, the colossal door began to part, the clash of metal against stone echoing through the air.

"Woah," Zhen breathed in awe, his fingers brushing the metal's surface as they stepped into the tower's depths. Yet, what lay within was even more astonishing. The tower, vast on the outside, unveiled a brand-new world within its walls, the ceiling soaring high above them.

The first floor of the tower exudes an eerie atmosphere, shrouded in perpetual twilight. A haunting mist clings to the air, diffusing light into dim, shadowy hues. The ground is uneven, with jagged rocks and gnarled roots scattered about.

A message materialized before them:

[Clear all the monsters in this floor]

[First Floor of Umbraeth's Tower]

[Gloomstalkers: 0/300]

[Spectral Wisps: 0/500]

[Shadow Hounds: 0/200]

With time slipping away, the approaching horde of monsters had already locked onto their presence, hurtling toward them with relentless speed.

"It appears that they are all rank 1 monsters," Huomei noted, her voice calm and focused as she seamlessly assumed her battle stance.

"Well, let's ignite this party, shall we?" Zhen responded as he shifted into a quick stance, his knees slightly bent and feet comfortably spaced apart. Two portals materialized at his sides, shrouded in darkness. With a swift gesture, he crossed his arms and delved into the inventory portals' depths.

Fixing his gaze on the orbs drifting in the air, he moved with the speed of a lightning bolt. Two pistols resembling the iconic Colt M1911 emerged from the obsidian portals at his hips, their appearance accompanied by a silvery sheen, and a barrage of bullets erupted from the muzzle.

As soon as the bullets left the barrels of his guns, his attire underwent an instant transformation, a testament to the ever-active nature of the system. His loose clothing morphed into a fitted jacket that draped his figure. The jacket featured an asymmetrical zipper and adorned with metal spikes tracing his shoulders and trailing up his sleeves.

Underneath the jacket, a crisp white shirt contrasted with slim-fitting black trousers, neatly tucked into intricately tooled leather boots. A wide-brimmed leather hat adorned his head, casting a shadow over his sharp features, emphasizing his piercing blue eyes and the trail of piercings that adorned his ears and lips.

Despite the outwardly antiquated appearance of his pistols, they operated like rapid-fire weapons, their propulsion mechanism defying convention. Rather than the conventional gunpowder, these bullets seemed to propel themselves, lending an almost magical quality to the firearm.

The bullets found their mark on the ghostly orbs that emitted a sinister glow. Though these orbs were no larger than a human's hand, each bullet struck with unwavering precision, shattering the orbs on impact.

[Spectral Wisps: Ghostly orbs that float through the air, emitting an eerie light. They are attracted to life force and can drain energy with a touch, leaving victims weakened and vulnerable.]

"I'll handle the spectral wisps. You two take care of the rest," Zhen directed, his movements graceful as he repositioned himself, maintaining an optimal distance from the swarm. He shot his pistols at the wisps as if they were long-range weapons, displaying a touch of recklessness that matched his daring nature. Despite their harmless appearance, these creatures could spell danger for the team, draining their energy with every touch in close quarters combat.