Saving Amanda

Vasco arriving at the pllace where she would have been kidnapped and he saw Amanda get thrown in the van the moment he arrived at a side bar where a Karaoke place was.

'Shit', Vasco was cursing in his mind as he saw the van now leave to a place. Vasco will not let this shit slide, back then he was weak and not knowing the impending dangers around his loved one's and himself. Now he does so he shall stop the first one here and spotting a motorcycle he saw it chained up but he had lockpicking skills so he unlocked every lock surrounding it. It look expensive too, so he rewired the motorcycle because he didn't have the keys. not giving a fuck he took off with it following the van that took his sister.



Seeing them turn to the right they were going fast so Vasco hit the gas knowing that he was going fast because the turn was a sharp one he drifted like an expert. He is a driving expert on any vehicle back in his prime he was a master of all. Learning anything fighting taekwondo and other martial arts, etc.

Then thought quickly as he slowed down and not be suspicious as he didn't want to alert them that he is tailing them. Following them a bit staying behind them as other cars blocked their view from him. No one knew that there was kidnappers in that van. The lights turn red as they stopped at the street and Vasco had his sights on them.

--------------20 minutes later-------------

The van was now going into a secluded place were hangers for airplanes are. Vasco had longed dropped the bike and went on foot running and hiding from their sights. Right now the van disappeared right into a hanger with many people guarding the place they're heavily armed. Many armed men were patrolling the place. It was almost night time as the sun will set down in like one hour.

Vasco was hiding behind some crates as he scouted his vicinity his surroundings looking at armed men everywhere left and right. On top of metal crates and other stuff moving up a bit to the right hiding behind a metal crate. Vasco leans a bit looking a way to take down one of these guys because he needs weapons if he's going to get his sister back. Trying to find an opening the closes armed men were two of them holding two [AAC Honey Badger PDW]. One of them left as it seems they finished talking to the other. Vasco then took this opportunity grab a little pebble and threw it next to him which grabbed the attention of the man.

"Really someone playing with me Richard is that you fucking suck of shi-", The man came forward as he was about to look to his side to see his friend playing with him. But it was Vasco who grabbed put him on a choke hold as they are on the ground and Vasco twisted his neck killing him silently. Vasco looked through his body taking his shoulder straps so he can tuck in his gun from behind. So Vasco took his body armor taking of his shirt and putting on him then putting his shirt back on. Strapping the honey badger on his back then grabbing a [ALFA Combat]. As he put on the belt were it had it's holsters. There was a silencer for each gun on the body of the guy. He grabbed them putting the silencers on both pistols then putting them in the holsters.

Vasco dragged the body and hit it as he went to another metal crate hiding from plain sight. It was time for a massacre in the night his eyes cold as ice only having one goal in mind and that is to save his sisters as he kills those in his way.


[Amanda POV]

They kidnapped me as a shining light flashed in my eyes opening them it was really bright that it made me had to adjust to it for a while it kinda hurts my eyes. I was looking around my surroundings not seeing the karaoke building that, I would have went with my some friends after, I have finished my paperwork for my club. But before that could even happened, I was unconscious as everything around me went black now knowing what had happened after, I woke up right now.

Seeing a girl who was in the dark just her lower body not her face could be seen. She had quite the body too. As she got closer to the light her face could be seen, I was shocked it was none other than Rika who appeared right before me the 'fourth flower' as those in my school gave us the beautiful flowers which, I could care less.

"Well to bad your sisters weren't with you or you would see them right beside you", Rika spoke with a playful tone as she had an evil glint in her eyes.

"What do you want?", I calmly said not wanting to be to nervous wanting to get more from her and what is my current situation.

"Nothing it's just you and your sisters piss me off thinking your hot stuff taking all the people that did nothing but lick my feet just you three take away those brain dead boys that do anything for me", Rika liked being praised and worshiped like some goddess and these boys are horny and would do anything to get into her pants like she would let them. No man is good enough for her unless they were handsome and rich as fuck that they could buy anything for her. She was a rich girl herself coming from a rich family. Thinking that everyone is beneath her and boys just lick of her feet.

I couldn't help but frown at this she is jealous because of us? That is the most childish thing, I ever heard and coming from the mouth of a rich girl with privilege's. Since me and my sisters and brother worked hard to get into the school which was prestige's and she is like rich, rich people who have connection put their children here. They study like no other to make it where they don't want their mother to worry about them and overwork to much. As she done so much for them. She is the only rich girl in the school too.

"I'll torture you so you won't be able to tell it is you or rather people able to tell that it's you that pretty face will be messed up it makes me want to puke"

"You bitch! Why are you jealous for something like this you're rich and got everything", spitting facts at her.

"Hmph I got to power to do what I want you see these people here they're hired by my daddy", Rika pointed at all the men with armed up with weapon which were about two in the room watching over me. As more were probably outside but couldn't see because it was really dark because of the windows to tinted of black.

It made me grit my teeth as someone like her is something, I despise a lot why would you do something like this go somewhere else and be a bitch there.

"Hmmmm, boys right now bring me the trash here", Rika ordered the two soldiers who nodded as they radioed in their walkie talky speaking into it.

"Give us a second Ms.Rika we'll get them here in a second"

"Great! hurry can't wait for her to despair!", the two men left the room as she stared at me not knowing what she is about to do to me. Made me nervous but didn't show it to her not wanting to look weak or give out a weakness to her.

"Stop trying to act tough you'll break because for your first part of tasting despair will be you being raped!", Rika laughed evilly as she had a smirk on her face. I couldn't help but feel like my face lost color and couldn't help but shake a bit because of what she said. She saw my expression as her smile widened wickedly.


My eyes darted to the door that opened as the two guards brung four men cuffed with their hands together with orange prison jumpsuits. When they looked at me it made me shake in fear because seeing their eyes full of surprise which switched to lust. They stared at me making me feel like a prey being eyed by a predators or a bunch.

"That girl is beautiful are you guys going to make us play with her?"

"kekeke! Great she looks good let me taste her right now!"

The cuffed men were throwing out lustful comments at me it made me have fear.

"You four are lucky here and now you'll be released and ravage this girl till your hearts content show me a broken expression of her", Rika explained to them their purpose here as they heard it they licked their lips lustfully they couldn't help but taste the girl right in front of them. A beautiful girl with such huge breast a beautiful face pretty much a perfect body.

"Stop them no get away from me!!!", I screamed not wanting to be raped no not like this, I was shaking in fear a nightmare was about to befall onto me.

"well I'll go out now bye-bye", Rika left the room with a smile like nothing happened. The armed men left too. Not wanting to see what would happen next since it's not their problem. Though jealous such bastards would get to have a go at her.

'Brother where are you? brother save me, I don't want to be raped, brother, brother, brother, brother, brother, brother, brother, brother, brother, brother, brother, brother, brother, brother, brother, brother, brother, brother, brother,', my everything around me felt cold as all my emotions felt like they were leaving me. I felt emotionlessly as, I stayed there thinking about the boy in my life my brother. if anything he would be the first one to always be there for me when, I was little helping every step on the way with my life.



I got a question do you guys like having female characters have their own POV and not just have the whole story be third person.