Escaping the Kidnappers


An explosion rang out shaking the building the whole place shook. Amanda felt it as she looked over where the door was kicked open as she saw someone the person who had come to save her. As the light was brought back to her eyes as she started to tear up crying to see her brother.

---------Part where Vasco who was trying to come up with a plan to save his sister--------

Vasco was killing men one by one silently as he lurked in the shadows no one could detect his presence a true assassin showing of his skills even being handy capped. He showed no mercy his heart was cold not moved by the lives he is taking he has been accustomed to this. He found the building his sister was abducted to as he tried to find anything that could help him because if he caused to much noise raising the alarm that he was here.

If he did he would be in so much danger, Vasco wouldn't be able to handle the catastrophe he would bring upon himself. He would die 100% guaranteed no miracles just dead in the streets. Vasco doesn't want that he has a family to protect and to take care of. This second chance he won't waist he gives his thanks to whoever gave him this chance.

Vasco sees something unexpected as he enters a different small building as he saw a C4 there or plenty as it said "DO NOT TOUCH ONLY CAPTAINS CAN". This made Vasco smile coldly as he knew what he would do so he nabbed a couple of them as he went outside the building and put them everywhere. Going back to the building he grabbed more and put them in different places around the whole area silently without no one raising suspicious of his deed. Finishing putting the C4's in different places like metal crates and other small buildings where many armed men where stationed at.

Going back to the building where he got the C4's he found a man there.

"What the hell", he heard a footstep but it was to late. Vasco slit his throat not giving the chance to do anything back to him.


The body lifelessly hit the ground just as Vasco grabbed the detonator to star the explosion. He brung it with him as he put in his side on his belt. He went to the building where his sister is currently held up in. He got in hiding behind objects that can hide his body he didn't take out anyone because everyone was close in proximity and one would spot the body in matter of seconds. Like a shadow he found the room Amanda was in. He found two tall, buff guys standing in front of the door guarding it. Vasco took out his pistols and shot them both the good thing is that he can handle a gun with the weak body he has.

*Bang* bang* bang*

He shot them in the head before they could react both died on the spot. Vasco then pulled the remote out and clicked the button as explosions went off.

-------Back to the Present----

"Big brother!", Amanda witnessed the men that were about to rape her be killed she got untied by Vasco. Amanda jumped towards him as she hugged him letting out her tears on his shirt. Vasco patted her calming her down. Amanda didn't care that they died she was grateful their death didn't bother her not a bit.

"Amanda you're safe thank god"

*sniff* sniff*

"Big brother you *hic* saved me"

"I would save you anytime Amanda my dear little sister you're important to me", just hearing those words Amanda stopped crying as she looked up at her brother. She saw his warm eyes staring at her with love and affection, care. Her heart thumped in her chest as she felt an emotion she didn't think she would feel and that is love. Her face turned red when she felt a kiss on her forehead from Vasco. Vasco did that to calm her down as he patted her head making her feel bliss but as well embarrassed as she blushed red like a tomato. She buried her head on his chest but Vasco knew they didn't have time he had to take her out or they would both die.

Amanda was smelling him taking whiffs of his scent into her nose as she couldn't help but feel addicted to it. Just touching him felt good being close to him feeling the warmth and the protective aura he emits. His smile made Amanda heart flutter but his whole face turned serious making her worried.

[A/N: This my first time thinking about making yall have BGMwhile you read so it feels more like your in there. Idk myself so just wanted to put this here this is the BGM here ------->[Epic Rock War/ Workout Music] - Annihilation <------- just searched up epic BGM battle theme or shooting theme music you can try others epic theme music just liked this one everyone got their own tastes I'll definitely make more exciting chapters about fighting and shit like that would really would go great with the BGM, i shared with yall]

"Amanda we have to go now, I distracted them for a bit anytime they would come here lets go, I have a motorcycle ready for us", Amanda nodded at him as she followed him close by. Vasco drew out his honey badger having it on hand just in case.

He found couple men running around as they took the back door of the hanger to escape more faster. Only where four of them as they didn't notice them they were all bewildered of the chaos that erupted around them.

*Bang* bang* Bang* bang*

Vasco shot them with precision each one of them on the chest then the head. With cold eyes he killed them while Amanda witnessed this she wasn't bothered because she was being protected by him. Amanda actually picked up a Glock 17. As many more men came towards them when they heard gunshots. Amanda fired with both hands holding the gun and one finger on the trigger.

*Bang* Bang* bang*

She missed a lot of bullets but hit some on the shoulders and legs as her aim was pretty bad since she never shot in her life or hold a firearm. Vasco looked at her couldn't help but feel surprised that she wasn't bothered by him killing people around her but he was happy she was strong girl. His sisters aren't weak they are strong willed he loves them for that and more so that they're apart of his family. Some of the dudes shot at them but the two took cover.

*Bang* bang* bang*

*Ping* Ping*

Bullets bounce from the metal crates. Vasco leaned over shooting more bullets on them as he shot them head to chest or eye.

"Shoot them you bastards they them down!", A man shouted probably the captain of the squad. Many more men appeared and shot on his order unloading their clips at them. Amanda shot a couple shots hitting some and killing some with a shot.

*Click* click*

She ran out of ammo as she panicked a bit. Vasco saw her panicking a bit as he threw his pistol in his holster at her.

"Catch!", Amanda heard him as she caught a pistol from him.

"We got to move up there go and I'll cover for us"


"Not now wait for me there their is a motorcycle color is black and green you can see it there wait for me there", Amanda bit her lip knowing that she can't do much to help him so she nodded in understanding. Vasco smiled at her good that she understood as his small happy smile vanished like it wasn't there. A cold killing machine emerged and it was him. As he came out of his cover because they stopped shooting a bit but still some shooting near him.

*bang* bang* bang* bang*

Vasco unloaded a clip on them killing them as he switched targets really fast that they couldn't react to him coming out from his cover. Shot after shot dead bodies hit the floor like sack of potatoes. Vasco threw the honey badger as it ran out of ammo and he didn't get the ammo clips for it. So he ran where his sister is waiting for him.

As he arrived Amanda was there waiting as her worry in her eyes disappeared a little but still lingering there. They were still inside the area but just right of the edge of it. Vasco hopped on the drive seat as Amanda hopped onto it behind him.

"Hold on tight Amanda!", Amanda hearing those words hugged his waist tightly squishing her huge breast onto his back. She put lay her head onto his back as she heard the engine come to life roaring into her ears with that loud sound.


Vasco stepped on the gas as they left the area but people started shooting at their direction. Vasco expertly dodged the bullets as he swerved left and right dodging the bullets from hitting them. Cars started following them that contained armed men with heavy guns. At least four cars were following them as Vasco checked his rear mirror. Seeing them tailing them on their trail. Vasco passed the cars swiftly as they're going fast not hitting them. Forward the traffic light turned red just as they were three seconds away from there. Vasco didn't care as he drifted and continued with speed. Amanda had her eyes closed trusting everything of her to Vasco.

One of the pursuers in the car crashed with other cars as it flipped over and it caught on fire. The others still following them as Vasco wanted to loose them.

*honk* honk*

Many people in the cars honked in displeasure as Vasco passed them and not obeyed the traffic laws that would get him a ticket. Same thing happened to the other cars tailing them. Seeing a sharp turn he had to do Vasco leaned himself over as he drifted that way. His drift were so cool because many watching had their mouth dropped as they witnessed it since it looked really extremely hard to even do. Some never witnessed a drift in their life and others were impressed and admired Vasco.

A van that was chasing them tried to drift but the turn was to sharp it made the van flip which caused a huge scene there. The others took it slowly leaving two cars following them one taking different way to cut Vasco off. The other still following them behind. Vasco clicked his tongue how persisting they are so he saw a truck that had it's ramp there vacant he could use it as a ramp. It was to the side where if he crossed it he would in a different side of the street.

He did so as he did the stunt they were flying on the air the people or couple of them watching Vasco and Amanda were wide eyed as their jaws dropped. As some dropped their things in hand because of the shock. One car took the same thing Vasco just did but it fell off as it crashed on the ground which it caught on fire then it exploded.


Vasco drove and knew he lost the other since it didn't see what he did. So Vasco went to their home as he step on the gas quickly getting there safe and sound.

--------1 hour later-------

They arrived at the front of their home Amanda got off first then Vasco as he parked the bike on a near by alley way since he would discard the evidence later on after he explains to his Mom and sisters.

"Amanda lets go in we'll explain to them what happened since all of this is going to shock them", Vasco pointed at himself as he had bloodstains on his shirt, pants and cheek. Same thing with Amanda who had only a little bit staining on her shirt but she was sweating a bit. Same thing with Vasco it was tiring the adrenaline he had in him would run out any second.


Do you yall think having BGM feels good when reading? Because I do it when I read pretty much if it is, I would love to put other BGM for yall to play when reading my chapters that would be about action. I would make fighting, shooting pretty much action chapters which would be even better with the BGM I have recommended///

Hope you enjoyed it!