Making money

Vasco woke up as he open his eyes his mouth felt wet like really wet it felt weird. He didn't seem to drool or anything then he felt hard. He looked at his waist and saw his dragon standing there erect as it was suppressed by his pants it hurts him as he felt uncomfortable down there. He wanted to get rid of such erection of his but had no one to use it on. His family was a no go he can't step over the line on that. His body ache a ton because of how much he overworked his body that for sure all his action took a huge toll on him.

Getting up was such a pain but held onto my own balance in not falling off. Changing my clothes to new fresh one's feeling better in new clothes. Vasco left his room and checked if anyone was home he didn't see his sisters and mother at home. He checked the time and it was already start of the school. He let it be nothing like it will affect him since he is dropping off anyways to make money faster and a lot of it.

But Vasco checked his sister room just in case because he did feel like someone was sleeping on his arms maybe it was Lora since she is so clingy of him. He always enjoys pampering her giving her his attention that she loved to get.


Opening the door of their room Vasco found Amanda sleeping peacefully with a smile on her face.

'I wonder what she is dreaming to make that smile', Vasco thought as he got close to her and sat down on her bed as he brush her hair to the side seeing more of her beautiful face. Vasco smiled as he was happy that he saved his sister from being doing horrible things to. But Vasco noticed something strange of her as she was wearing a white shirt of his and one other thing was that she seem to be holding a pair of his boxers/underwear. Vasco was wide eyed as he step from the bed as he got up looking intently as his own sister. Who had a silly smile on her.

'Don't tell me...', Vasco was never a dense man not anymore as he was able to analyze/detect the emotions, body language of people around him. He was thought of more about love by his wife that killed him.


Vasco couldn't help but sigh at thinking of his past wife. Actually he wondered where she is now because he had only met her when they were seventeen. He was sixteen right now and thinking about it this year was full of danger that would be directed to his family. He couldn't help but firm his determination to get buff get that body of his to the peak or surpass it even more. Maybe he will meet Anya but rather then wanting to meet her soon. Vasco wanted to get strong because she to would be in danger but he barely was able to save her until he got strong for himself for like four years. That woman is a yandere as he had read a bit of manga and anime books as he visited japan back then in his past. A certain genre peaked his interest and that was the Yandere genre. He read many of them of how the girl would kill anyone standing in her way to get the love of her Senpai.

Another one was a girl killing the boy she loved because he didn't pay attention to her as he was with another girl. She killed herself as well as they both laid their bodies next to each other. Many of them stories gave knowledge to Vasco. Learning all of that made Vasco more aware of comparing those girls to Anya and feeling the similarities between them. As Anya would be jealous if he even tried to talk to a girl just to get information from them in case one of them would be dangerous for Anya and he would take them out. He doesn't care if they're a girl, woman he would kill for her just to protect taking every measure to keep her safe.

She had gone yandere on him as he was kinda seducing a girl to get information as they were the wife of a underground leader to get any dirt on him.

Vasco seeing that Amanda might actually have those tendency's to be jealous but he has yet to seen it she is always the cheerful, happy one. But seeing her holding his boxers and having a shirt on her that barely could contain her breast was a sign of Yandere symptoms. Even he can see her started to sniff a bit of his boxers. It sent some shivers as this was something he would not expect from her. But none other then less he would actually face it head on then run away as he experienced the consequence of running away from such type of woman who's obsessed with you.

Should he cross that line?

Vasco was actually contemplating of having her still as a sister as he loves her as family. Though he would know if she shows more symptoms of yandere he would guess it was the traumatic experience of the kidnapping. IF so he would not see her as a sister but as a woman that's how you overcome them as the first step. Knowledge in love Vasco would know what to do but still have to be careful if things go south.

So he left the room going to his room to use his PC. Vasco started to now surf the dark web as he was an expert in literally everything. He was a top-notch hacker as he started to see any like fighting arena's near him. Finding one he smiled his body may ache but he wouldn't miss this. He wouldn't participate in the fight as his condition ain't fully recovered yet he has other ways to earn money. Bringing all the money he ever saved up which is 1,500$ US dollars. Turning off the PC as he left the room then went downstairs grabbing a hoodie of his putting on then left the house.

----------1 hour later---------

The place was far away from prying eyes as it was secluded and hard to find but not for Vasco it was like a walk in the park. He entered inside seeing various peopel pouring into the facility which is the arena where fighters all around the world fight to the death where many rich people or others with at least a good chunk of money to spend it on bets and have the entertainment of their life's. Vasco entered and found a spot for himself as he waiting patiently blending in with the rest of the crowd.

Minutes later a man fully clothed with white had a microphone in hand as he smiled and started speaking.

"Ladies and gentle! I'm your host Andy here to give you a match where you won't regret watching and betting your money for more!"

This got a chuckle from everyone and some laughed along side his words. Knowing the truth of it and knowing why they came here.

"Today we have two fighters and this fight would be big because we have a famous fighter you all heard about his nickname is the 'Terminator'!", everyone cheered as they roared in excitement hearing the nickname of the fighter. A Tough looking dude with gelled up spiky hair with scars all over his face came out of the door in the arena where the competitors would enter and exit at.

"On the other side we have 'Dino'!", some cheered but not all of them thinking that the man was weak looking. But all of them doubted Dino because these people never saw him fight but if others that witnessed him fight they would definitely bet on him. Dino had a clam expression on him as he had a nice built body but his height as that of an average man.

"Place your bets everyone!", everyone placed their bets some placed it on Dino bad a vas majority placed it on Terminator. Vasco placed all his money on Dino as he analyzed him and his body. He is strong and knows that he can beat terminator.

"Then done with your bets the fight will begin!", everyone cheered some men as the fight was about to begin.

"Then in 3 - 2 - 1 FIGHT!"

Both fighters started to fight

---------2 hours later-------

The fight was exciting and it made Vasco happy because the winner was Dino and he won a lot of money like a ton he earned x50 the amount he put in the bet. Many others who betted on dino were happy as they were a rich man now. Many of the others envied the winners and the rich were angry so some had actually started to target some of them but the winners didn't notice. Vasco did as he felt the eyes of many on him he didn't show his face but they knew he betted on them. Vasco went to quickly collect his earnings as he gained 75,000$ dollars just form that fight because it was a fight between a famous fighter and the underdog.

Vasco quickly left the scene before they started to move on him. Having a huge bag of money with him he arrived at his home putting the money in his room. He will give the money to his family pay the rent for them. Tomorrow he will start training his body.

"Brother you there?", Vasco hearing Amanda's voice made him think if he should do something extreme here and see how would she react.

"Yes I'm come in", Amanda happily came in the room as she was all smiles as she wore tight shorts that made her ass look big showing of her beautiful legs and a tight small shirt as her breast were pushed as they seemed bigger her.

"Brother can, I sleep with you from now?", she said this with a straightforward face as she had the eyes that would take no for an answer. Vasco chuckled a bit as he just simply answered her.

"Sure go ahead"

"Yay big brother is the best", Amanda pounced on him as she was on top of him as they are on the bed. As she smothered her cheek onto his cheek. Vasco sighed softly hoping that this girl won't do anything inappropriate but he do for sure know it probably would happen. He would be awake in an instant to stop her.

"Brother is sleepy tomorrow is Saturday, I'm sleepy"

"Brother I'll go get some groceries for us!"

"Got it", Amanda giggled seeing her brother tired as his eyes were droopy then he fell asleep. Amanda took this opportunity to peck him on the lips. Which turned into a full blown make out as she ravage his lips again. Amanda orgasmed as she came her panties which were dry were now full of her juices stained.

"I need to change before, I go to get some groceries brother wait for me~", Amanda went to change her panties and then left to go buy some groceries which the money her mom left for her.

