2 months ago

Vasco was currently training his body in his room doing two finger push ups as sweat ran down his back and face. Dripping on the floor.

*Drip* drip* drip*

Finishing his last set Vasco stretched his muscles and then looked at the mirror in his room. He had now a nice looking six pack it was showing but it wasn't like fully fleshed out. You can see his veins and the muscle that grew no more skinny arms nor legs. Every inch of his body was trained to the extreme as Vasco had already planned a training routine for himself which was hard but something he had to do to become strong. His body yet to be perfect but still in now good condition not in his peak yet. As he was still 16 he made great efforts the many people his age this was a good start for him.

Vasco went to go take a shower he has never been to school these two past months his whole family noticed this they were worried about him. But he explained to them and even showed them how much money he makes. The first time he showed them he had 75k in his room it shocked them. That money can last them for a long time.

-----------2 months ago past-----------

"What is this money!?

"Where'd you get this big brother!?"

"So much money....."

Everyone exclaimed in shock having their many reactions but all were having the same shock.

"I have ways to make money mom, i can provide for us", Vasco telling them that he can provide for all of them with the money he can earn it won't be hard.

"But Vasco this is to much money and you're not doing anything illegal?", Vasco sweated a bit the glare from his mother was something else.

"No mom it's all in good money as it is not made illegally don't worry"

"i'll believe in you but I can't stop working what if you can't do this forever"

"I'll show you mom and my dear sisters you can keep studying as your big brother I'll fund for your future and the future college/University you would attend", the three sisters were wide eyed as they cried in tears happy tears. As they didn't have to struggle in the money department hugging each other then rushing to Vasco and hugging him tightly. Vasco smiled at them as he patted their heads which gently soothed them but they cried on his shirt.

Latina seeing her son acting this manly made her heart flutter as she was happy that her son would go this far in dropping out of school to support them. She didn't know this feeling but she felt it wasn't bad to try to find out what is it about later on. A seed was planted in her without Vasco knowing or Latina knowing all it needed is that one trigger.


Carole had stopped acting haughty with Vasco as she is eternally grateful for him helping their family. But she to had started to become a a worrywart for Vasco same thing with the others but still let him do his thing as he wanted himself to support them. Carole had become caring now she changed as she saw her brother in a new light as these two months where his whole looks change and body. He was now buff as he looked very handsome when he put his hair into a ponytail. She once walked into the shower as he was showering she saw his naked body and most of all his shaft that looked huge even as it was asleep it made her blush furiously. Carole actually didn't feel any sort of disgust as she engraved that imagine of his naked toned body into her mind. She felt weird as she felt these emotions chaotically swerve in her about her brother she felt like she liked him more than a brother. But her mind thought their relationship would be frowned upon she actually thought falling in love with her brother was something that warmed her heart made it thump faster.

As for Lora she had long discovered that Amanda had an obsession with their brother. She even talked to her about it surprised Lora a bit but she smiled of what they talked about. They both agreed in having him as Lora clingy attitude became an obsessive one. She would hate any female like Amanda get to close to him. She actually tries to wear revealing and tight clothing in the house to get a reaction from Vasco or arouse him. Same thing with Amanda she did the same thing. Carole and Latina were oblivious to it except that Latina had a suspicious about them.

They're are all super glued to him seeing her son being always accompanied everywhere when they have no school as they go together outside and go outside to feel the fresh air. Latina still had a suspecting about them but ignored it.

Vasco had seen all of their actions and he concluded that Amanda and Lora are both Yanderes that's for sure he has once talk to a girl to ask for directions for a amusement park that he brung his whole family with. Vasco had seemed them act like so around him.

Vasco finished taking his shower as he put on his fresh clothes. Going downstairs he sees Amanda and Lora as Carole and Latina left to go get some new clothes shopping.

"Girls want to go shopping?"

"Yes!", both jumped towards Vasco as they hugged him tightly excited to go shopping. Vasco patted their heads as the girls were in bliss and they melted into his headpats. They're not addicted to everything about him and his pats mostly. Carole too, was getting addicted to his pats as for the mother she actually liked being patted even though she is mature she couldn't help but be weak under his headpats and caresses.

"Lets go then, I'll drive us to the shopping mall over at Dunada street NE"

"Isn't that shopping mall expensive brother?", Amanda nodded at Lora words as they felt a bit taken back of where they were going. That place has luxurious clothes and only the rich go there

"It's fine today I'll spoil you two brother has enough money to spend my family happiness comes first", Vasco told them those words as their face brightened. They quickly changed the girls did and came back downstairs as they followed Vasco who was leaving already to the car. Outside there parked an expensive blue BMW as it looked beautiful it was costumed made. They got in as Amanda took the seat next to the driver where Vasco is going to be making Lora pout. As she sat right behind Vasco's seat.


"Yes!", Starting the gas as the engine roared.


Vasco drove off thinking that they should have a family dinner at an expensive restaurant and thought of making his own business a clothing store company making a new brand from scratch and thinking of that Vasco had a small smile on him. He'll make the company of his big as it would definitely be something worthwhile.

---------3 hours later--------

They arrived at one of the most luxurious malls were expensive shops are built there and selling the most expensive stuff. The three got out of the car attracting attention from men/boys and woman/girls. They got out of an expensive looking car but others had expensive cars too. you could see Lamborghini's, Ferrari's, Bugatti's and some Rolls-Royce.

"Well girls we're here lets go in", Vasco isn't wearing any expensive clothes but he is wearing clean formal clothes that look good in him that's because he is now handsome. Getting girls or rather rich girls to have stars in their eyes and started to look at Vasco greedily. Amanda and Lora sensed their gazes on their brother as they coldly glared at them making them fear as they looked away. Same thing they did with the boys that stared at them greedily and lustfully. Only their brother can do that and only him. The boys looked away as some shivered as they were frightened when they got the cold scary looks from the two sisters.

They entered the building as they now explored the contents inside. The three started to shop or rather the girls did as they got clothes expensive one's for themselves. Vasco didn't mind he had about at least 4mil in his back account with all the illegal shit he has been doing. They finished shopping for clothes, pants and other underwear.

Both sisters saw a lingere store as they turned red but they looked at each other and nodded.

"We'll be back brother~!", both sisters left leaving Vasco who now went to sit on the bench to think about things. Noticing a girl coming right up to him. His mother would be in danger as in the job of hers she works as a manager the boss of hers he did a quick investigation and found out that the man is a scum of scums. Hiring beautiful woman as his assistant manager which is his mother now occupying that spot. As they all fell victim of him as he laid his hands on them and had his way with them. It made Vasco blood boil this was an accident that happened in his past life he wasn't able to do anything. He had saved Amanda but his mother was next. He will save her which will be in about four days.

As for his sister Carole she will be beat up by a bunch of girls jealous of her beauty as they torment her on the daily. Now for Lora, Vasco thinks that nothing is needed for her to be saved he had experience of not saving her in the past where she was kidnapped by a rich influential man who wanted Lora to be married to his son. But she died afterwards as they did very bad things to her. Vasco knowing that she is still weak even Yandere have super human strength for some reason they're not invincible. So Vasco had now thought of training his family each one of them to be able to attack and defend themselves. He has done this with Anya who became almost as skills as him but he still was above her.